Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

2021 Lunar Highlights: New Moons & Full Moons

December 24, 2020 Jill Jardine Season 3 Episode 46

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Professional Astrologer, Jill Jardine, M.A. Counseling/Psychology shares important astrological information on the lunar cycles of 2021.  She will discuss the New Moon and Full Moon for every month of 2021, and the energetics that will be triggered by these lunar activities.  Jill will also elucidate on the upcoming eclipses in 2021, as well as special lunar dates, such as Lunar New Year, and two Aquarian Full Moons in the summer 2021. You will want to tune in to hear when your sun sign will be impacted by these moons.

Here is the outline of the New Moons and Full Moons for 2021:

January 13:    New Moon in Capricorn
January 28:    Full Moon with Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Leo
February 11:  New Moon in Aquarius (* LUNAR NEW YEAR!)
February 27:  Full Moon with Sun in Pisces, Moon in Virgo
March 13:        New Moon in Pisces
March 28:        Full Moon with Sun in Aries, Moon in Libra
April 11:            New Moon in Aries
April 26:            Full Moon with Sun in Taurus, Moon in Scorpio (*WESAK MOON)
May 11:              New Moon in Taurus
May 26:              Full Moon with Sun in Gemini, Moon in Sagittarius (*LUNAR ECLIPSE)
June 10:              New Moon in Gemini (*SOLAR ECLIPSE) 
June 24:              Full Moon with the Sun in Cancer, Moon in Capricorn
July 9:                   New Moon in Cancer
July 23:                Full Moon with Sun in Leo, Moon in Aquarius
August 8:            New Moon in Leo
August 22:         Full Moon with Sun in Leo, Moon in Aquarius
September 6:    New Moon in Virgo
September 20: Full Moon with Sun in Virgo, Moon in Pisces
October 6:          New Moon in Libra
October 20:       Full Moon with Sun in Libra, Moon in Aries
November 4:     New Moon in Scorpio
November 19:  Full Moon with Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Taurus (*LUNAR ECLIPSE)
December 4:     New Moon in Sagittarius (*SOLAR ECLIPSE)
December 18:  Full Moon with Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Gemini

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Welcome to Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine. I'm your host Jill Jardine, masters degree in counseling psychology, longtime professional astrologer, psychic, healer, and Yogi. In this episode, I'm going to share the important lunar dates in 2021. And give you some insights about these new moons and full moons. So you'll want to stay tuned. Welcome to the episode on the lunar highlights of 2021. I'm going to share the dates of the new moons and full moons each month, and how these lunar activities will impact us all and which sun signs will be affected. So make sure you take notes and plot out these keynote dates in your personal planner. So right away, I'm going to give you the dates of all the new moons and full moons in 2021. And the signs they occur in and if there is an eclipse. I'll give you the dates and then go back and give you more info on each of these lunar events and which signs are going to be impact. You'll want to listen closely and see when these lunar events occur, especially if a new or full moon or a solar a lunar eclipse occurs on your birthday this year. So here we go. The first event astrologically of the New Year 2021 is a lunar event. It's on January 13. It is the new moon in Capricorn. January 28 is the full moon with the sun in Aquarius and moon in Leo. February 11 is a new moon in Aquarius. February 27 is a full moon with the sun in Pisces and the moon is in Virgo. On March 13, New Moon in Pisces. March 28: Full Moon with the sun in Aries and moon in Libra. April 11: New Moon in Aries. April 26- it's a full moon with the sun and Taurus and moon in Scorpio which means it's the Wesak full moon on April 26. May 11 is a new moon in Taurus. May 26 is a full Moon Lunar Eclipse with the sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius. On June 10, we have a solar eclipse. It's the new moon in Gemini. On June 24, it's a full moon with the Sun in cancer and moon in Capricorn. July 9 is a new moon in the sign Cancer. July 23 is a full moon with the sun in Leo and moon in Aquarius. August 8 is a new moon in Leo. August 22 is a full moon with the sun in Leo and moon in Aquarius. That's right! We get two Aquarian full moons during the summer of 2021 .September 6, we have a new moon in Virgo. Then on September 20, it's a full moon with the sun in Virgo and moon in Pisces. On October 6, we will have a new moon in Libra. On October 20 we'll have a full moon with the sun in Libra and the moon in Aries. On November 4, we will have a new moon in Scorpio. On November 19th, It's a full Moon Lunar Eclipse with the sun in Scorpio and moon in Taurus. December 4 is a New Moon in Sagittarius Solar Eclipse, and December 18 is a full moon with the sun in Sagittarius and moon in Gemini. So I've given you the information about the new and full moons in 2021 as well as the lunar and solar eclipses. I invite you to go back and listen to my podcasts, my earlier podcasts on eclipses, and also my podcasts on New Moon manifestation, Full Moon magic. Go back and listen to those so you can do some of these practices in 2021. So right off the bat, as we look at the full and new moon schedule in 2021, we can see some pertinent information about 2021 and its lunar patterns. First of all, I'm happy to announce it will be a much less intense year than 2020. Great to be the bearer of this good news. But why will it be less intense? Because there are fewer eclipses than we had in 2020. If you'll recall, 2020

had a record of six eclipses:

four lunar eclipses full moon, and two new moon solar eclipses. And they activated the signs of Capricorn and Cancer, and Sagittarius and Gemini. 2021 only has four eclipses and in 2021 these eclipses will activate the Gemini and Sagittarian axis. And later in the year, the last full moon of the year, November 19, will activate Scorpio and Taurus axis. So, they will occur on May 26 as a full moon, lunar eclipse in Gemini. And then on June 10, there will be a new moon solar eclipse in Gemini. November 19 breaks the Gemini/Sagittarian pattern and begins the Scorpio and Taurus pattern with a full Moon Lunar Eclipse with the sun in Scorpio and moon in Taurus. And then on December 4, we have a New Moon in Sagittarius solar eclipse. So some interesting pattern that develops in early 2021 is that the new moon falls on the 13th of the month in January and March and on the 11th of the month in February, April, and May. So if you know anything about numerology, 13 is considered a magical number. A lucky number for some (lucky 13). Or a number to be feared,(Friday the 13th). It was a number associated with witches in the Middle Ages by the Christian Church. But 13 is the number of what lies beyond what is known or what we can see. Remember, Jesus had 12 disciples, but he was the 13th. So 13 does give some spiritual power. Think about that on the new moon of January 13 and March 13. We also see the reoccurring number 11, at these new moons in 2021. During February, April and May the new moons all fall on the 11th. And now 11 is considered a master number associated with the Ascended Masters, those enlightened beings who exist on the higher spiritual dimensions like the Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Divine Mother. So whenever an 11 shows up, these masters are trying to connect with us. Also 11, 11:11 indicates new beginnings and synchronicities. So watch for this and make some connections to your spiritual masters on these new moons of February 11, April 11 and May 11. Also this year in 2021, Uranian and Aquarian energies abound. Not only because of the Jupiter and Saturn transit through Aquarius all year, but because we have two full moons in Aquarius this summer, on July 23 and August 22 . Interestiingly enough, they both are what we would call cuspal full moons because the first one on July 23 occurs right on the cusp of Cancer/Leo. And then on August 22, the sun is leaving Leo going into Virgo. So this indicates to me that July and August 2021 will be a time of anchoring in these new waves of energy, the Aquarian wave. It's time we can be more innovative experimenting, and pioneering new ways of living and being, and really thinking about our future and how we want that future to be even better. And if we think about Aquarius as the visionary. We're envisioning our new life. Also there will be an increase in socialization at that point in time. And a lot of new inventions or discoveries may be trotted out or they may be revealed during the summer of 2021. So as I give you the insights on each of these new and full moons during the year, you'll notice I have more to share in the first half of 2021 from January to June. That's because those lunar energies are already anchoring in a bit and I can pick up on their frequencies and how they may manifest for us here. However, I do have less to share from June.2021 - December 2021, as these frequencies haven't quite kicked in. They haven't quite formulated therefore not as accessible to me or other psychics or astrologers. But if we do know the signs that they occur in, we will know that those people who are born during those signs will be affected during the new and full moons in your own particular sign. So you should really be alerted to that and aware of how it may affect you. Also, for more details on each of these new and full moons, be sure to tune in for my monthly Astro update podcasts during each month of 2021, where I will detail the lunar activities in more depth. So we start the year 2021 with the first major astrological highlight, which is the new moon in Capricorn on the 13th of January at 12 am. This is a good time to really commit to our new year resolutions, and to get back to work. Capricorn rules our professional or business lives. So seed the prosperity and work life you desire in 2021. This is an especially auspicious new beginning for Capricorns. But everyone benefits from this fresh lunar juice flowing in at the first new moon in 2021. There may be some last blasts of power grabs by the old Capricornian governments or power brokers as Pluto, the planet of power and death and rebirth, conjuncts this new moon in Capricorn. The old order is going out kicking and screaming. The Eclipse cycle of 2020 actually featured the solar eclipses and lunar eclipses in the sign Capricorn. They played out during 2019 through 2020. All the eclipses were Capricorn or Cancer, except a few in 2020 were Sagittarius and Gemini. And now we're done with that old Capricornian outworn energy.No one wants another 2020! So kick the old energies out the door at this Capricorn New Moon, anything in your life that no longer serves, say bye-bye. It's time for new beginnings in 2021. And then on January 28, we have a full moon with the sun in Aquarius and the moon in Leo. This is a very powerful Full Moon heralding change and more revolutionary visionary, pioneering, Aquarian energies coming out of the woodwork and blessing us into 2021. It's amplified actually, because Jupiter, the planet that expands whatever it touches, conjuncts the sun in Aquarius at this full moon on January 28. So it's time to open your mind. New ideas, inventions, expansions are on the horizon. So there's also a challenge at this full moon. There is something called a T-square being formed in fixed signs. So we have the sun and Jupiter together in Aquarius, opposing the moon and Leo, but they're being squared by Uranus and Mars in Taurus. So watch for that Debbie Downer Taurian energy trying to squash the Aquarian party, There will be tensions of this full moon and the big issue will be money and the economy and perhaps some issues with that later in the year. But pay attention to any new ideas and impulses that flow into your life in your mind around this full moon. This Full Moon at the end of January, on the 28th, with the sun in Aquarius, moon in Leo ushers in a very busy and erratic February with five planets transiting Aquarius including the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn. If you are an air sign such as an Aquarian, Gemini, or Libra, it will be a wild ride. So hang on to your hat! Everyone will experience this influx of accelerated Aquarian energies, which really erupts at the New Moon and Aquarius on February 11. People will certainly be edgy and wanting big changes and will want to get out there and start having a lot of fun again. There will be some restlessness over the pandemic. And whatever stage it is in at that point, people will feel quite fed up and want to get outdoors or get out there and socialize and reconnect again. And so interestingly enough, the COVID virus may be calming down because the vaccines have kicked in with people. And so they will be full swing by the end of January, early February. The other thing about this February 11 New Moon in Aquarius, it marks the Chinese Lunar New Year. So if you messed up on your New Year's resolutions in January, you get to have a fresh start at the Lunar New Year of February 11. So seed your intentions for prosperity and health. If you remember, last year 2020 Chinese New Year occurred on January 24. And during that time period, the Coronavirus had shut down China. So there were no New Year celebrations in China, because COVID was so rampant. And little did we know it was being seeded in the US at that time to break out as a worldwide pandemic in March. We could say now that as of February 11, 2021, we would have weathered a whole lunar year of the pandemic. A lunar years is 13 new moons and 13 full moons. So we're certainly getting a new start at the Chinese New Year, new moon in Aquarius on February 11. And as I said, that day there's actually going to be six planets in Aquarius. There's going to be a lot of flutter of Aquarian and exciting activity with the Sun and Moon, and Mercury, and Venus and Saturn and Jupiter, all having a big party on February 11. So as we go into the end of February, we have a full moon on February 27, with the sun in Pisces and moon in Virgo. This becomes a very important time for those who are Pisceans or Virgos. But everyone needs to get serious about their health. And I believe this might be when COVID really begins to clear out. But in general, it's a good time to focus on healing and well-being. And a good way to use this lunar energy including looking at your diet, exercising, and incorporating other healthy regimes such as supplements. A new moon occurs on March 13 in Pisces, which allows for deepening of our spiritual process. It's good for fresh starts for all the water signs Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. It's a very good time to go within and get ready to plant seeds on March 21, which marks the Spring Equinox. So use this last new moon of the astrological year on March 13 in Pisces to finish any internal business and for deepening your connection to source. Full Moon comes on March 28 with the sun in Aries and the moon in Libra. It calls on us to reevaluate our relationships and perhaps release people who we have outgrown or the Debbie Downers in our lives. All these couples who have cloistered together for months during COVID are now taking a look at their partners. And maybe deciding"I'm done." This Full Moon in March is very powerful with the Aries and Libra energy. So we may see a renegotiation of global treaties that were previously broken, because Libra is a sign of peace. There'll be more focus on worldwide peace and climate. And the fact that we're all on this planet together space ship, Earth. New Moon in Aries occurs on April 11, and everybody will be itching to get on the move, travel, and socialization takes off, business gets back to normalcy, and everyone is out to make their lives better. However, where Mars rules Aries and is considered an aggressive planet. We may see some violent eruptions or disturbances, protests, and perhaps even attacks by certain groups on certain targets. I don't have enough psychic Intel yet on that one to share. But stay tuned for the March and April podcast Astro updates. So with this new moon on April 11, people might be angry, especially if there are any new restrictions, or if restrictions aren't removed for COVID or other reasons. And also it seems this might coincide with unemployment stopping and so there will be a lot to look at in the economy. And people may be dissatisfied with what is happening with the economy and unemployment. Then, on April 26, we have the full moon with the sun in Taurus and moon in Scorpio, otherwise known as the "Wesak moon." The Wesak Moon is an esoteric lunar festival celebrated by Tibetans, Buddhists. And it is at this time of the year at the Scorpio Full Moon, it is believed that the Buddha's showers his blessings down onto humanity. Check out my podcast from May 2020 where I discussed the Wesak Moon in more depth. So in astrology, the axis of Taurus and Scorpio rules money and finances. And there are usually economic or stock market declines around the Scorpio full moon in late April or early May. And also when there is a Taurus full moon in late October or early November in the sign of Scorpio. These are very precarious times for financial markets generally, there has been patterns established over the years. Well, in 2021 the Taurus /Scorpio Full Moon is certainly going to be a precursor to an economic downturn cycle. You heard it here first. So I'm giving you an astrological heads up about how this is going to trigger some economic declines. And we will see all kinds of things happening in the economy between it's now been a year that many people may have been unemployed and other indicators of the stock market dropping is going to be very strong by the end of April 2021. So with this astrological insight, you can be aware to be cautious and prudent with your finances early in 2021. So as not to take risks or overspend or overextend financially. And that way you will be prepared when we hit a challenging economic cycle ushered in at this Scorpio/Taurus Wesak Moon. So the Taurus New Moon occurs May 11. The focus is on health and wealth and how can we reboot our financial lives and well-being .The full moon in May is a lunar eclipsewith the sun in Gemini and the Moon in Sagittarius. And that full moon will be on May 26, the lunar eclipse with the sun and Gemini Moon in Sagittarius. This is the partner lunar eclipse to November 30, 2020 lunar eclipse which occurred with the sun and Sagittarius and moon in Gemini, the flip side. So what has happened in your life during this six month Eclipse cycle from late November 2020 through late May 2021? Did you take any losses? The people who really need to be aware of these eclipses and this eclipse cycle are those November Sagittarians and May Geminis as you will be impacted most by this lunar eclipse. Everyone will feel it. We'll probably see a focus on diplomacy during this Lunar Eclipse, and communication and the media. There may be big political maneuvers during this cycle. We may also see some political leaders, whether current or past ones, may die during this full moon. June New Moon occurs on June 10. It's a solar eclipse with the sun and moon in Gemini. Again, Red Alert Geminis. Again, it's going to affect all our communications. There may be new technologies starting to come out with communication. Connection. Media will be featured at this new moon. Socialization. Travel will be a big focus. Everybody will want to be jumping on those planes for this spring and summer. There's a full moon on June 24. With the Sun and Cancer and moon in Capricorn, bringing the focus back on business and rebooting the economy. July 9, there's a new moon in Cancer. So take care of your home front, your family, and your emotional life. Then we get into the Aquarian Full Moon duo starting on July 23. There will be a full moon with the sun in Leo and the moon in Aquarius. And the sun will have just stepped its toe in the sign Leo. So hold on to your hats! Here comes another hit of the Aquarian Wave crashing on our shores. There may be some upheavals as we get ready for this new level of downloads and heightened frequencies coming into our life. Make sure you anchor them. But it's also going to be a very good time for heart expansion. Leo rules the heart. So we've got the upper chakras being activated during these Aquarian full moons in the summer of 2021. Starting on July 23, we're going to see strong heart activation, whatever that means to you. But we can manifest and attract when we are in alignment with our heart center. And then Aquarius rules, the third eye Center and the higher centers. So we're gonna have some cosmic Kundalini pouring down through the crown, activating the third eye, throat, and heart and anchoring it in the lower chakras. Very exciting, energetic time this summer. So much excitement. So much optimism and hope and we are now in that new age. All these higher energies abound. But on the downside, we could see some rifts between "the people" which is Aquarius, and"the leaders" Leo. People and groups will be standing up for their rights. This could certainly invoke revolutionary activities. Then we go into August and we have the Leo new moon on 8/8, the Lions Gate. 8/8 or August 8 is called the "Lions Gate" by some esoteric types. And is believed to be a portal date to connect with higher dimensions. Having a new moon on 8/8 is auspicious on connecting with our spirit guides and the higher wisdom. The Leo moon on 8/8 is a great launch time for any creative new projects. So take advantage of the Leo new moon on 8/8, the "Lions Gate." Then on 8/22, August 22, wehave that second full moon with the sun in Leo moon and Aquarius. And it's right before the sun goes into Virgo and the moon transits into Pisces. Thank you universe for giving us a second Aquarian Full Moon during the summer of 2021! This is cuspal Full Moon with the sun leaving Leo and going into Virgo. Moon leaving Aquarius going into Pisces. So what does that mean? It's going to be a very transitional time for people. Where do you want to plant yourself? What are you going to leave behind and what are you going to move towards? Hmm, looks like there are certainly cosmic indicators that the Aquarian Age is truly here, and our crystal mystic visions become realized. Moving into September, the new moon in Virgo arrives on Labor Day, September 6, 2021. After a long summer, people will be ready to get back to work and school in a more consistent way, unlike the interrupted school year of 2020. There'll be a focus on health and routines and regimes, and follow-through and setting goals. Full Moon on September 20 features the sun in Virgo and moon in Pisce. Time to look at our use of time. Are we being productive with our time, or are we just whittling it away? We'll also see linear time versus non-linear time or non-sequential time. So lots of things about time speeding up, speeding up of time on the September 20 Full Moon which is right before the Autumnal Equinox. So we can practice being in the present moment. It will also help us focus on health reforms. Unfortunately, a new form of the Virus may be percolating. Pisces can make that happen and it's a full moon in Pisces. So be very vigilant on amping up your health regimes as we go into the fall season 2021. New Moon in October occurs on the 6th in Libra, which is the same day Pluto goes direct. So again, here we go. It's a reevaluation of elite relationships. Relationships, partnerships, diplomacy, negotiations are all highlighted at this Libra new moon on October 6. Full Moon occurs on October 20 with the sun in Libra and moon in Aries. Keep your cool. Aries likes to fire things up and Libra can be very calm and peaceful. And don't blow off steam at other people or you'll be called out on it. November 4 is a new moon in Scorpio. So a lot of focus on finances, monies, the economy. wealth. What's happening with the economy? All highlighted at the Scorpio New Moon November 4. And then on November 19, we have a full Moon Lunar Eclipse with the sun and Scorpio moon in Taurus. The companion full moon to the Wesak. So again, the focus is on rebooting financial markets, economics. Are we in another stock market crash at that full moon? We'll see. It certainly affects Scorpio and Taureans in their lives. But everybody needs to look at their financial health. December 4, we have a solar eclipse New Moon in Sagittarius. So what was being eclipsed in your life since June 10, 2021? It certainly will be a tough time for Sagittarians and Geminis. And then the last lunar event of 2021 is a full moon on December 18 with the sun in Sagittarius and the moon in Gemini. So there'll be all kinds of focus on international relations, the media, and looking toward the future with bigger Sagittarian vision. So there you have it. The key dates of 2021 according to the full and new Moons. Plan accordingly. Thank you for tuning in listeners. I hope you enjoyed this podcast on the new moons and full moons of 2021. This is Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine signing off and sending you healing linear vibrations through the quantum field.