Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

Major Astrological Transits Everyone Experiences

Jill Jardine Season 3 Episode 48

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Everyone will experience major astrological transits during their lifetime, that will affect them profoundly.  These times of intense transformation occur at these pivotal astrological alignments: First Saturn Return from 28-30 years old, Uranus Opposition between 40-44 years old, Chiron Return at 50 years old,   Second Saturn Return at 58-60 years old, and if one lives long enough, the Uranus Return at 84 years old.

The first Saturn return occurs from 28-30 years old.  The current group experiencing their Saturn Return during 2021-2022 was born during February 6, 1991-January 1994.

During the first Saturn return, one is being pressured to constructively actualize oneself in life.  Big shifts can happen, sometimes initiated by loss, some by choice, such as changing jobs or career paths. Relationships can end or become solidified during a Saturn return. People may move geographic location. Ultimately at the first Saturn Return,  one must mature and become more responsible in their life.

Uranus Opposition occurs between 40-44 years old.  Those experiencing their Uranus Opposition during 2021-22 were born in 1976, 1977, 1978 and 1979 when Uranus was transiting Scorpio. Uranus Opposition is viewed by astrologers as the classic mid-life crisis that people hit when they reach 40 (although these days many experience that mid-life crisis at the Chiron Return at 50 years old!) Uranus in astrology, is an indicator of freedom.  So consciously or sub-consciously when one hits their Uranus opposition they want to make changes in their life, or desire more freedom and excitement. People may act erratically at their Uranus opposition and have an affair, end a marriage or quit a job.

The group experiencing their Chiron Return during 2021-22 were born in 1970, 1971 and 1972. Chiron Return occurs approximately at 50 years old. Chiron, in astrology, is the "wounded healer/teacher," so at the Chiron return, one revisits their core wounding, whether it is emotional, psychological, mental or physical.  It goes without saying, this is a good time for therapy and healing.

Second Saturn Return hits between 58-60 years old. Those born during 1962, 1963, and 1964 will be having their Saturn returns during 2021-2022. Saturn is the lord of time in Astrology. When one reaches their second Saturn Return, they may realize that their time in this incarnation is running out.  Health concerns are paramount at this time, as one strives to keep their health good to achieve future goals. It's a time to "make hay while the sun shines." People may travel more, restructure their lives for more free time, reassess career goals and contemplate or plan retirement.

Those born in 1936, 1937 and 1938 will have their Uranus Return during 2021-22. 
If one lives a full astrological lifetime, they reach 84 years old and experience their Uranus Return.  This is when the planet Uranus, ruler of Astrology, goes back to where it was when someone was born. Uranus is the great awakener, so people wake up to what this lifetime was about for them.  It's important they realize all the connections they've made in this lifetime. There may be past-life recall, and remembering where the soul was before, and also preparing for the next stage. As the Tibetan monks say, "Life is preparation for Death."

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