Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

Moksha Mantras: Sanskrit Mantras For Liberation

Jill Jardine Season 3 Episode 57

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Parashakti, Jill Jardine,  certified Sanskrit Mantra instructor, yogi and healer, teaches Sanskrit Mantras for Liberation: Moksha Mantras.

 in the Vedic teachings, there are four aims of incarnation. Those aims are Artha, Kama, Dharma and Moksha. "Artha" relates to worldly gains and other fruits we are here to experience on the earth plane during this incarnation. Why did we come into a body anyway? The second aim is "Kama" which means love or desire. The third aim is "Dharma" and Dharma is basically our soul purpose. What is my sole purpose? What is my Dharma? What are our gifts? What are our talents, and how can we share them?  Dharma doesn't necessarily mean your job or your professional calling.  The  fourth aim of life or incarnation in a body, according to the Vedic teachings is Moksha, which means liberation.  Once you have obtained the three aims of Artha, Kama, and Dharma, it's time to release it all and seek Moksha.

These Moksha mantras may help liberate your soul, if practiced consistently. But they can also free one  from situations that are oppressive, such as an unhappy or unhealthy marriage,  a bad job situation ,or any difficult situation. Or you may want to be liberated from your mind state that is creating anxiety or fear, and break free of limiting mental patterns.

Parashakti Jill, was initiated into all these mantras by her mantra Gurus, Thomas Ashley-Farrand, (Namadeva Archarya) and Guru Rama Mata, in the lineage of Satguru Sant Keshavadas. 

Here are the Moksha Mantras:

1) OM NAMAH SHIVAYA (OM  NA-MAH SHI-VA- YA): "I bow to Shiva."
Om Namah Shivaya is the initiation mantra of the Siddhas, the lineage of perfected masters that traces its origin back to Shiva, the primordial guru. Initiation mantra in Siddha Yoga by gurus Swami Muktananda and Gurumayi Chidvilasananda through shaktipat and mantra transmission.  Shiva is the supreme reality the inner self. Shiva is the consciousness that dwells within all,

Vishnu Mantra, to Narayanaya, the preserver.  Helps somebody who's passing or transitioning out of their body, at the time of death and after they have passed away to go to the higher dimensions of light. It can help us to achieve self realization and oneness with the divine. Thus amongst the mantra, as a means of humbling the ego.

Honored and hailed as prime among Vishnu mantras. Can provide spiritual guidance for one to attain the ultimate freedom from samsara, the eternal cycle of birth and death.  Frees one from the recurring cycle of death and reincarnation.  Can also bring in a spiritually advanced being if a mother chants this to her baby in utero.

4) OM SRI RAMA JAYA RAMA JAYA JAYA RAMA:  (OM SRI RA-MA JAY-AH RA-MA JAY-AH JAY-AH RA-MA): Victory to Rama, the self within, victory victory to Rama.
Helps when making transitions from one stage in your life to another.  Liberate the soul at the time of death, and it is also very good for attaining higher levels of consciousness.  This mantra will take one across the ocean of rebirth. In a more immediate way, it is most powerful in reducing negative karmic effects, no matter in which life they may have occurred, according to Namadeva Archarya.  This was the mantra of Mahatma Gandhi. He was chanting it at the time of his death.

5) OM MANI PADME HUM: Sanskrit translation.  (OM MA-NEE PAD-MAY HUM)
Buddhist mantra invoking love and compassion. Heart centered mantra.  Connects  you to your innately loving and compassionate nature.  Can help assist someone when they are leaving their body, and dying, to transition smoothly to the

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