Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

April Astro Update and Sun Sign Forecasts

Jill Jardine Season 3 Episode 59

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Professional Astrologer, Jill Jardine, shares her Astro Update and Sun Sign Forecasts for April 2021.

Here are the key dates:
April 3:  Mercury transits into Aries until April 19 (11:41 pm EST)
April 11: New Moon in Aries (10:31 pm EST)
April 14: Venus goes into Taurus
April 19: Mercury and Sun enter Taurus
April 23:  Mars transits into Cancer
April 26: FULL MOON with Sun in Taurus/Moon in Scorpio (WESAK MOON)
April 27: Pluto goes retrograde (until October 6, 2021)

All planets are traveling direct at April's onset with Sun, Venus and Chiron in Aries, joined by Mercury on 4/3 harmonizing with Mars in Gemini and Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius.  These fire and air planets stoke up creative potentials and make for instant manifestations.

April will feel like two months in one, as things move fast and furious in the beginning with the influx of fire and air.  Then we thud down to earth in mid-month as planets shift from impulsive and antsy Aries into the earth sign of Taurus.  Then Mars marches into moody Cancer,  making way for the powerful Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon on 4/26 and shifting drastically as Pluto begins its 2021 Retrograde Tour from April 27- October 6.

New Moon occurs on April 11 at 22 degrees Aries.  The Sabian Symbol (archetypal system describing the 360 degrees of the Zodiac) for 22 degrees Aries is:  "The Gate to the Garden of All Fulfilled Desires...."

Full Moon illuminates on April 26 ushering in the Buddha Full Moon known as the Wesak Festival. This is a very spiritual Lunar celebration that can be honored by meditating and praying to connect with the Cosmic Christ and Buddha energies showering the planet at this time annually.

Stay tuned for the Sun Sign Forecasts for each sign for April 2021.

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