Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

Raising the Love Frequency with Shakti Das!

Jill Jardine/Shakti Das aka Johnnie Coe Season 4 Episode 62

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Jill's guest is Johnny Coe, aka Shakti Das. He is a devotee of Divine Mother and a musician. Johnny Coe, who likens himself to the Vedic Mr. Rogers,  is a modern day Yogi that challenges people to realize their infinite potential. He's also a very talented musician who started playing Irish music as a child. He is also a kirtan musician,  which is the singing Sanskrit mantra chants.  Johnny Coe follows the guidance of Divine Mother.
In this episode Shakti Das shares how to raise our love freqencies by dropping into the Anahata (heart chakra), but especially the Hrit Padma or Hridaya known as the transpersonal or spiritual heart.
This episode transmits Shakti (divine feminine healing energy) so listeners will receive a profound healing.  Shakti Das several Kirtan songs including:






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Welcome to Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine. I'm your host Jill Jardine, longtime astrologer, psychic, healer and Yogi. In today's episode, my guest is Johnny Coe, also known as Shakti das. He is a devotee of Divine Mother and a musician, and in today's episode, he's going to raise the love frequency. So stay tuned. Welcome to Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine. In today's episode, Johnny Coe, also known as Shakti das is going to raise the love frequency. If you remember he's been on two previous podcasts and each one has been full of juicy Shakti from Shakti das. Johnny Coe is a devotee of Divine Mother and a musician. He is a modern day Yogi that challenges people to realize their infinite potential. Johnny Coe is a very talented musician who started playing Irish music as a child. He is also a Kirtan musician, which is the singing of Sanskrit mantra chants. Shakti das, Johnny Coe, lives life following the promptings of Divine Mother. He is in the flow. This episode transmits Shakti ,divine feminine healing, so listeners will receive a profound healing. Welcome, Shakti das, Johnny Coe. Thank you for the welcome. Thanks for being here. For the third time. Three is a charm, right? That's whay they say. All good things come in threes. And we're going to be doing a very special gift for our listeners. Today we're going to be raising the love frequency. And how are we going to do that Johnny Coe? How are we going to do that? We're going to drop into deep devotion. Right? Beautiful. Yeah, we're going to drop into the heart space, and not the Anahata space but the "Hridaya," the Hrit Padma, which is the Spiritual Heart. High spiritual heart, which is the true essence of who we are. That's right. That is where the divine Lotus resides. And the jewel in the Lotus that they talked about: "OM MANI PADME HUM." So you have some pretty uplifting information about devotion, and this transpersonal heart that you wanted to share today. And I think the world needs it now. Because as you know, what the world needs now is love, sweet love. All you need is love. So we were talking about this right, the other day, "bhakti." Bhakti, Sanskrit word for devotion. So we'll talk about Bhakti which is a devotional practice, which everybody can do. It's something that you don't need to know much about poojas or ritual or rites. You don't have to be an expert in anything. You can just do this by relating love experiences that you have in your own interpersonal everyday life with with people, you know. The love that you have with your loved ones at home and everyday things. And you drop into that space of devotion. And, you know, it's an ocean of bliss, then. Or if people are feeling like they maybe are carrying wounds in the heart or they're heartbroken, they can still access this place. In fact, those are some of the most amazing transformations. When you see somebody who feels their heart is so blocked, that they won't receive these transmissions. They're the ones who start crying, the tears of devotion out of the right side of their the corners of their eyes, and they start singing and blissing out. And it's not they're not tears of pain, they're tears of joy. They're tears of opening, the heart is cracking open. And I find I do this. You know, the first show I was here when I was talking about my mother, I started to feel this bliss. You know, this opening, this heart opening, it's beautiful. It's a release. And it happens as a result of hearing true spiritual teachings from different gurus, as well as from doing the actual chanting. And that's the thing about Bhakti. The practice is it can happen at any time. I remember when it happened for a lot of people I was with we were watching Mr. Rogers, Fred Rogers. He was receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award. I met him by the way, and that's another podcast. One of the most amazing people. But he was receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award. And one of the things that he did was he asked people to take 10 seconds in a silent meditation and to meditate and to think about the people that had nurtured them into being who they are. The most loving people, and the most caring, loving, nurturing people that they could think of. And he set his watch for 10 seconds and you can see the whole room was either smiling and or crying, these tears you speak of, and it was the most beautiful 10 seconds I've seen on television. That's why we're seeing a lot of people shutting down. That's And so that's what we're talking about. It's not devoted to your television show or your nonfat caramel, no caffeine latte, you know. Or all these other things that we're in love with in our life. But we get into this devotional space, because that's who we are. We are love. And with all the suffering that you speak about, that's going on, and everybody's talking about, you know, what we need is that kind of love. We need to tap into that, right? Because that's our true essence. And I said this before, and one of the shows, right, our hearts are not designed to take on all of this suffering. And all of these juggle all of these things, these ideas and concepts. Everybody's fighting and arguing constantly. Our hearts are not, that's why,you see children like this blocking there isn't bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, you know, we can't handle it. right, you know, that if they have any level of trauma that just is just overload for them. Yeah, and the whole love vibration. People say that is, and it's true. It's the strongest vibration of the universe. The highest one, the strongest, the highest vibration of the universe, not just the planet, but the whole universe, the whole system. The other thing is that, you know, we hear the phrase, love heals all. It's just there, there's so much power in it. But we are addressing it from the Vedic devotional aspect, which is"bhakti". But like, again, you don't have to follow the Vedic practices in order to experience that. And like one of your practices on a day to day basis is you just basically walk around and emanate that, that Bhakti love frequency. So it's not so maybe give give my listeners some hints on how someone can do that? Well, I just read this, if I can, quote from Anandi Maya Ma. Anandi Maya May was this guru, great saint, who was alive in the early 20th century Great female saint.. There's great pictures with her with Paramahansa Yogananda in the 1920s and 30s. She was beautiful to look at. But she was an emanation of the goddess. And so will you have a quote from her about love. I do? Well, it's about this idea of this light within the heart.

So I'll read it:

"The light of the world comes and goes, it is unstable. The light that is eternal, can never be extinguished. By this light, you behold the outer light and everything in the universe. It is only because it shines ever within you, that you can perceive the outer life. Whatever appears to you in the universe is due solely to that great light within you. And only because the supreme knowledge of the essence of things lies within the depths of your being, is it possible for you to acquire knowledge of any kind." So there it is, it's it's in you, it's who you are. It's your true nature. So all the Bhakti is is just connecting to that divinity, that's you, that's who you are. It's your true essence, loving, caring being. Spreading love and kindness. That's who we are. We're kind beings, Right. But one of the ways some people may not be able to access that just by trying to drop into it. So that's why we're having this podcast because one of the fastest ways to raise that love frequency is to chant the sacred Sanskrit mantra formulas, or even just music in general. We talked about this in the earlier podcast. When you're listening to really uplifting music or music that has a really nice memory association from your youth or whenever in your life, that can shift your vibration instantaneously, and get you into that heart space. I don't know when you remember this feeling. But when I was very young, I recognized the healing power of music. You know, I saw the effect it had on people in a very profound way. And then I thought, wow, this is, that I can make music, you know, and have that effect on people because of the effect it has on me. And then of course, I understand the wholeness of it now. But it's so powerful, what it can do. It can transform anything. Yeah, and it's a shame that during these times of the pandemic, that people weren't able to, or allowed to go and hear musicians and music. And I think that was, not to be a Debbie Downer, but that was like a big travesty, because here people are suffering from all these different falling out, you know, particles of the many levels of the COVID. But what would be a great thing to do is to join and hear music playing and those sound vibrations and sing along. That has such a therapeutic value for people, you know. So we're, we're recording this in the spring of 2021. But I know that will come back, that music. Every day I wake up and sing. I grab one of these, my dotara and I chant o the mother, I sing to God, you know, every morning and then before I go to bed all during the day I do that. Okay, so when we come back, join Johnny Coe, Shakti das, in chanting an uplifting, sacred song. Shakti Das I understand that you do a singing version of a mantra

that I shared in the podcast:

"Moksha mantras: mantras for liberation, "which is Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. I shared it in japa form, but I wanted to remind listeners that this mantra, "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya" is such that it can provide spiritual guidance for one to attain the ultimate freedom from samsara, the eternal cycle of birth and death. Hence, the 12 syllable mantra is hailed as the prime among Vishu, mantras, the ultimate one and also a hymn of liberation, as well as activating the Sacred Heart.


Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya..... That was a beautiful rendition of "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya,"by Shakti das. So that mantra "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya" was a Vishnu mantra, who is the Hindu masculine deity or manifestation of the masculine divine, in the form of Vishnu. And for those who don't know their Hindu Pantheon, Krishna is an incarnation of Vishnu. And Krishna is known as the God of love. And he gets together with his beloved Radha and there are many mantras and kirtan songs to Radha and Krishna or Krishna, the God of love himself. And so we are delighted to hear Johnny Coe play a Krishna song Krishna has many names such as Govind Devaki Nandana, Gopala, Madava. So many. So, you're gonna play as a Krishna song, Johnnie Coe. Govinda Jaya Jaya, Gopala Jaya Jaya, Radha Ramana Hari, Govinda Jaya Jaya Govinda Jaya Jaya, Gopala Jaya Jaya, Radha Ramana Hari, Govinda Jaya Jaya Govinda Jaya Jaya, Gopala Jaya Jaya, Radha Ramana Hari, Govinda Jaya Jaya Govinda Jaya Jaya, Gopala Jaya Jaya, Radha Ramana Hari, Govinda Jaya Jaya Govinda Jaya Jaya, Gopala Jaya Jaya, Radha Ramana Hari, Govinda Jaya Jaya Govinda Jaya Jaya, Gopala Jaya Jaya, Radha Ramana Hari, Govinda Jaya Jay Radhe Radhe Shyam Govinda Radhe Jai Sri Radhe, Radhe Radhe Shyam Govinda Radhe Jai Sri Radhe, Radhe Radhe Shyam Govinda Radhe Jai Sri Radhe. That was a beautiful montage of kirtan to Krishna and Radha,from Shakti das. So Shakti das, I understand you have a story. That is a really nice parable about the love vibration. Can you share that with our listeners? Sure. So with the Bhakti tradition here, we're talking about connecting to the divine. Into this spiritual heart right into the love. You don't really need to be a devotee of Krishna, Christ. Anybody? Right? no specific deity, nothing, no religion, no religion, no scripture, nothing. But I had a friend who grew up in another country. And one day she said to me, how do you pray? And what is prayer. And she was really struggling with trying to find that connection to the divinity, you know, not just within but that love. And so what exemplified that love and so we went through her history, and we found the person like Mr. Rogers had said in that Lifetime Achievement Award. That nurtured her into being. And we found that was a family member that was the most loving, you know, white light, beautiful being. And you know, and that was her connection. And so she created an altar space and a practice space, and just meditated on that love, that she received from that being that connected her to her own spiritual, you know, identity, your own divinity. Right. So it's really that simple. And that's what the Bhakti tradition says, is that we just use our everyday experiences with love. Right and connect to the divine that way. And the singing, of course, gets us there quickly. Except when I'm doing it in the studio, because I'm a perfectionist. You're doing great Johnnie Coe and you got more, you have more to share. But the interesting thing too, if people are like, What do you mean? How can I fall into the love vibration? Well, an easy explanation is that love is the opposite of fear. So drop the fear and get out of fear, and find the alternative. And just again, connecting in to those times in your life when you have felt expansive, and happy because love and happiness and joy are the whole same spectrum. And they're a higher vibration than fear, and worry and anxiety. So, you know, we can connect, like you said, with people, or situations or memories, when we were feeling that flowing love. But one of the easiest ways, as we discussed is to listen to uplifting words or music, which is what we're doing today and we're sharing with you. You have another song for us Shakti das? Yes, like Paul McCartney said in"Let it Be,"right. You know, when I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me speaking words of wisdom, let it be. Beautiful. So you know, that's what it's about. Let it all go Drop it right and drop into this place of love. Your mother and your grandmother tell you don't worry. No problem. I got you covered. Well, it's interesting because then what happens if you're radiating that, or you're feeling that there's something called entrainment where the higher frequency will bring the lower frequency up to align. It's not the other way around. And a good example of this is with essential oils. So the most powerful vibratory essential oil is Rose. Which you know has a connection to Divine Mother, which is interesting. So, if you're, you know, not feeling so happy and you put rose oil on or something that has a strong. you know pure rose essence you're going to automatically start feeling a little bit better and feeling a little softer. So it's again, you know, you're putting on a high vibrational oil which is then going to raise your emotional frequency. Amazing how that works. If you come into my Loka it'll smell really fragrant. Shakti das Loka full of sandalwood roses and frankincense! Alot of SandalwoodToo bad we can't transmit. We can transmit the auditory but we can't transmit the sense of smell We'll work on that technology. Once upon a time. Right. So when we come back Shakti das will share some devotional music. Radhe Bolo Radhe Govinda Bolo Radhe. Radhe Bolo Radhe Govinda Hari Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Bolo Radhe. Radhe Radhe Shyam Govinda Radhe Jai Shri Radhe. Radhe Radhe Shyam Govinda Radhe Jai Shri Radhe. Radhe Radhe Shyam Govinda Radhe Jai Shri Radhe. Govinda Radhe Radhe Shyam, Gopala Radhe Shyam.Radhe Radhe Shyam Govinda Radhe Jai Shri Radhe. Radhe Radhe Shyam Govinda Radhe Jai Shri Radhe. Jai Sri Radhe, Jai Sri Radhe, Jai Sri Radhe Hari Bolo Hari Bolo Hari Bolo I hope you enjoyed this episode of Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine featuring my guest Shakti das, playing beautiful devotional music to activate the heart chakra. Sit back and enjoy some more. This is Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine, signing off sending you healing vibrations. Through the quantum field, Sita Ram, Sita Ram. Sita Ram Jai Sita Ram Sita Ram, Sita Ram. Sita Ram Jai Sita Ram Sita Ram, Sita Ram. Sita Ram Jai Sita Ram, Sita Ram, Sita Ram. Sita Ram Jai Sita Ram, Sita Ram, Sita Ram. Sita Ram Jai Sita Ram, Sita Ram, Sita Ram. Sita Ram Jai Sita Ram Sita Ram, Sita Ram. Sita Ram Jai Sita Ram Sita Ram, Sita Ram. Sita Ram Jai Sita Ra Loka Samastha Sukino Bhavantu, Loka Samastha Sukino Bhavantu