Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

Amy White, Best-Selling Author and Intuitive Medium discusses the "Greater Consciousness"

Jill Jardine/Amy White Season 4 Episode 69

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Jill's guest on this episode is Amy White, an international best-selling author and Intuitive Medium on a mission to help indivudials heal the past, discover personal truths and thrive. 
A once reluctant Medium, Amy now embraces her innate intuitive gifts and has made it her intent to show up in the world as a truth-teller by bringing forward powerful messages for personal transformation.

In 2016, Amy's book, Closer to Paradise: A Mother's Journey through Crisis and Healing  was published by Motivatonal Press. 

Amy's ability to share messages from those who have crossed over has created the space for her clients to access deep healing, inner peace, love and forgiveness.

Amy channels "The Greater Consciousness" also known as universal consciousness to bring forth messages for individuals and groups.  Amy describe the Greater Consciousness as  a group of energies that describe themselves as all of the wisdom that ever was all of the wisdom that will ever be, and all of the wisdom that's here, right now, in this time and space, and every living being. So in essence, they are the connection into the infinite wisdom, but not just the infinite wisdom of the cosmos, they are connected to the infinite wisdom that resides within each one of us individually.

Amy discusses the importance of the physical body to connecting with inner knowing and our intuition.   She shares a process to do each morning to get grounded and connected in your body.

In this episode, Amy does a special channeling  of Greater Consciousness for Cosmic Scene listeners on what is happening in 2021. Some of this wisdom advice is: "Don't lose faith in the momentum that you've already started. Whether the outward appearance looks like it's going to be bumpy or smooth or somewhere in between,  keep your eye on the prize. Because the energy of this eclipse that just happened here over the last few days, has laid the groundwork for more and more and more creation, creative energy, permeating the spaces that we want. Creating the dreams that we want, allowing the dreams that we want."

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Welcome to Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine. I'm your host, Jill Jardine, masters in counseling psychology, longtime astrologer, psychic, healer and Yogi. In today's episode, my guest is Amy White. Amy is an international best selling author, highly sought after speaker, and intuitive medium on a mission to help individuals heal the past discover personal truth and thrive. Stay tuned for an uplifting episode. Welcome to the episode where my guest is Amy White, an international best-selling author and intuitive medium. Amy's one-to-one coaching, digital courses, and public talks allow audiences to gain a deeper understanding of the beliefs that are blocking their most authentic lives. Her insights and techniques help usher in big bold changes and more subtle "ah-ha" moments that lead us closer towards our dreams. A once reluctant medium, Amy now embraces her innate intuitive gifts and has made it her intent to show up in the world as a truth-teller by bringing forward powerful messages for personal transformation. Amy's work as a truth-teller started several years ago after she stepped forward as a Caregiver Champion in supportive her son admidst a mental health crisis. This was not just a journey to help her son through his crisis. It was a life changing event which required a deep level of soul excavation, awareness, and willingness to face her shadow and have faith that there was something brighter on the other side within the chaos and pain. In 2016, Amy's book, "Closer to Paradise: A Mother's Journey through Crisis and Healing," was published by Motivational Press. In this book, Amy takes the reader along on a wild roller coaster ride of heartache and invaluable life lessons. Amy hopes this story of fighting stigma, navigating the mental health services maze and focusing on her own emotional healing will provide a beacon of hope and light for those working to support a loved one or themselves on the path to wellness. As a Reiki Master Teacher, Amy uses universal energy for remote and in person healing work with clients she can speak to mediumship and the modern age. Amy's ability to share messages from those who have crossed over has created the space for her clients to access deep healing, inner peace, love and forgiveness. Amy offers individuals life changing skills for spiritual growth, self development and transformation admidst crisis. She is sought after for her experience with intuitive guidance and mediumship as a means to help people get unstuck in both their personal and professional lives. Besides being an Intuitive Coach and Medium, Amy has spent more than 20 years working with both Fortune 100 companies and small to medium sized businesses. In 2014, Amy co-authored the international bestseller, "Bold is Beautiful: Breakthrough to Business Strategies," sharing her story of leaving her career to pursue her dream of coaching and advocating for parents, caregivers, and those transiting through life's challenges and crisis. It is an honor and pleasure to welcome my guest, Amy White. Hey Amy. Oh my goodness. Hello. Hello. I'm so excited to be here. We're so happy to have you here on Cosmic Scene. You have so many skill sets here and what I really liked when I was looking at your website how you describe yourself as an "intuitive medium, a channel and truth-bomb dropper." Maybe you can explain the truth-bomber dropper a little bit to my audience? Absolutely, absolutely. When I'm doing my own my own work. When I'm when I'm tuning into Universal Consciousness for my own practice, very often what they will bring through is these"aha" moments of, of things that I've recognized or just beginning to recognize about myself that I feel are so powerful that I'd like to share them out with my audience on my social platforms. For example, I just wrote a truth bomb the other day about discomfort and whether discomfort is the indicator that you're out of alignment or that you're shifting into something that's more resonant for you. So they will bring through these "aha" moments that are so personal to me, but then I love to share out to the world as well. Yeah, because chances are a lot of people are experiencing the same discomfort or the same thing and here you are as well. what we would call the wounded healer, teacher, the Chironic healer or ahead of the curve, so you have to experience it first. And then you share your experience to the public. And so many of them are dealing with the same thing. That' the universal or the greater consciousness that you tap into? That is the greater consciousness. Yes. And the greater consciousness is a group of energies that describe themselves as all of the wisdom that ever was all of the wisdom that will ever be, and all of the wisdom that's here, right now, in this time and space, in every living being. So in essence, they are the connection into the infinite wisdom, but not just the infinite wisdom of the cosmos, they are connected to the infinite wisdom that resides within each one of us individually. And so when I'm working with the greater consciousness, when I'm channeling their wisdom through whether for myself or for clients, or audiences, they are really connecting into what we already know. And just helping us to bring to the surface, you know, sometimes words to feelings that we have, or opening the door for possibilities or opportunities we haven't even yet considered. It's really powerful, because it is that resonance, connection to that deeper knowing that we each have. And when they when they bring this wisdom through, even when I'm not when I'm working with clients, it hits, you know, the heart center, like a truth bomb. Right? That's where that truth bomb came from. They they're like, Mic drop, you know, and it's like, boom, wow, this is wisdom that is so it's so palpable. It's so visceral, because there's, there's truth of knowing inside me, even if I don't know it consciously. I love that. And also, I'm sure they get that physical, palpable, Kundalini rising, or what I call spiritual confirmation by what the energy they're feeling in their body, or those spiritual goosebumps. Right? When you're connecting into that absolutely energy, they get the confirmation in their own bodies, which is a beautiful, a beautiful thing. Absolutely. And so you're also a Reiki Master Teacher, where you use this universal energy, for remote and in person healing work, which you're just describing, and basically mirroring back to them, the teaching that is available for them and their lives. Kind of reflecting it back in a way that they can take it and run with it. And it also probably helps you tap into your mediumistic skills and how you work with your clients. In that mediumistic way. It's all connected, right? But if you want to give us a little more, a little more kind of explanation of how the process works. Yes, absolutely. So so one of the things that I didn't realize, when I first started doing work as an intuitive. And I started in coaching, as an intuitive coach, was that I always assumed that the way that I was getting the information was that I was reading someone's energy. But I realized as I was working more and more in that realm, that what I was doing, in all of it, whether I called it intuitive coaching, or channeling or mediumship, or psychic work was that I was connecting to this one source of information, this one source of conscious information. And that's the greater consciousness, which we just described. So when I'm doing any work, whether it is as I said, whether it's connecting to the greater consciousness, the wisdom of the greater consciousness for on behalf of a client, or whether I'm connecting into a loved one or friend, or somebody who's crossed over from the human experience to the non- physical, someone who's died, it's still the same type of connection. I still connect in through both the greater consciousness, energy as well as the energy of the soul who's crossed over, if I'm doing mediumship work. So it's a little bit different, at least for me, you know, I'll judge it a little bit different than what I had seen from other mediums in the past, like, and a lot of the reference points are pop culture or people on TV. And so as I started to really explore the mediumship work and connect to these souls that had crossed over, I realized that I kind of have this dual channel filling. The greater consciousness is always in the connection. And then I actually dial up the soul, the non- physical and connect in directly with that, that entity as well. So if I'm doing a reading with somebody who wants to connect to, as I said, a loved one who passed, we would we would actually work the process, by you know, calling that person in. So there isn't a lot of game playing that happens. You know, I don't I don't need to go through the process of first name, you know, sounds like this or, I feel this type of energy. Pretty much. It's like, Oh, you want to speak to your father, let me see if I can reach him. You know. And then I think about it like the old, and I'm going to age myself here, but the old AT&T operators where they would take a cable from one, you know, and connect the cable to the other to make the call. And so I feel like that's the process for me when I'm going into that part of the channeling. Because I am really bringing through the person or persons that my audience wants to connect with. Right? I mean, it's, that's the classic organic mediumship. I know. Mediumship is very big here in the Boston area, probably because we're a very old, old city. But a lot of people get trained in almost like a formulaic way of connecting in. I do mediumistic work. I don't really talk about it, but very similar to you. Where it's like, if they're available, and they're going to come in, you dial them up, basically. And they'll pop in and right away give something that allows the client to realize that like, "Oh, this is authentic, this is my father, because he liked Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash" I had that happen yesterday, client. But But yeah, so I think that's a much more like that form of mediumistic that you do is a much more authentic organic, and it has the whole vibratory piece where the client gets they get what we call Shakti or the the energy healing from the connection. And it's greatly completely Yeah, fascinating. My guest today is Amy White, you can get a hold of her through

her website: You can also find her on

Instagram at:

mzamywhite,, or Facebook: Amywhitemedium, if you are interested in finding out more about her services, and maybe booking a session with her. When we come back, we're going to discuss a lot more interesting energetic phenomena. Welcome back. My guest is Amy White, intuitive medium channel and truth bomb dropper. Amy, we were talking off mic about how important it is to connect through your body, especially when exploring your intuition and developing other gifts of sensitivity. Can you speak to that a little more? Oh, yeah, absolutely. One of the things that the greater consciousness has shown me over the last many years now is the idea that our body is, our physical body, our physical vehicle, is the biggest antenna to our inner knowing to our intuition. And so often we are walking around the planet, we're distracted. We're not in our bodies. We're very disconnected from our bodies, even from a conditioning perspective, you know. We're taught that our bodies aren't enough or they're too much. Or there's something wrong with our bodies. So we tend as humans to put our body, you know, off to the side a little bit, disassociate with it. And not welcome our physical vehicle into our full experience. And so when we're talking about connecting to intuition, and this is a practice that I do, and work with many of my clients around, is this idea that when you can start to come into connection with your body, you're also in that moment, also coming into connection with the present moment. So you're really present when you're when you're being in communication with your body. And then when you're in that moment, those moments of presence, then the whispers of your soul, the whispers of your inner knowing, start to bubble to the surface, and we can hear them easier and easier. Right, so get present. Drop into your body. And that also helps the mind to stop its chitchat or, "Vritti," what we say in Sanskrit. And yeah, you know, and I give my clients to a process, like they, you know, everybody's so in their head these days, and I just say, drop down, drop down, drop down, it doesn't matter what chakra. So what are some of the techniques that you work with? Or what do you do to start your day to get this body sense, this present moment? What would What do you advise your clients in doing maybe in the beginning of the day, so they can start their day? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. I actually do have a morning practice, that I just love. And I do it as often as I can, you know, without the forcing or shoulding myself into doing it every day. But I do it as often as I can. And it's a really simple three step process that I use. The first is that I take five to seven deep belly breaths, as soon as I start to come to conscious awareness that I'm waking up. You know. And it's just this idea of like, calling myself back, coming into consciousness, being present with the breath. I don't do any, I don't do any kind of mantra or any kind of ritual with it, but I could. But I just, I really just allow that to happen as organically as possible. And then I roll out of bed, and I place my feet on the floor. And I put my intention and attention on my feet. And I feel, you know, like, I really feel the connection to the floor. And to me, that feels like a pin drop. If you think about dropping a pin on a digital map, right? It's this idea that I am here. And I just sit for a few moments in this until I really feel connected. So now I've my breath has been, you know, has invited me to be come back into my body. And now my feet connected to the floor has invited me to come back into my body. And then just before I sort of launch into my day, I set an intention. And the intention is for something that I want to have happen that day. But more something that I'd like the day to feel. I'd like to feel as part of that day. And that's again, helps to create the momentum of this awareness of being in my body, and the physical sensation that I'm looking for, whether it's physical or emotional, but we feel it physically, and that intention for the day. And I will tell you that it's, you know, it's a practice. But now when I find that I'm walking around, and I'm a little disconnected from my body, because I've got a lot of things going on in my life. It's very easy to be like breath, seat, intention, or reclaim or remember that intention. And then in a few minutes, I'm back. I'm back in my body. I'm back in that deeper connection, connected to my inner being but also connected to my inner truth. Right, my inner knowing it's really powerful. Wow, thank you so much for sharing that and sharing that practice. I'm hoping all our listeners will think about applying that advice and get connected and get into the body because that's where it all happens, right? And get out of judgment and get out of critical thinking to yourself or others and just be in the now, in your body. Great advice. Amy. Thank you for sharing. We were talking. Yeah, that was great. We were talking about kind of going out with a little treat for my listeners where you were going to give an example of your channeling, and maybe have some insights for the rest of 2021 that you can share. Would you be okay doing that. Okay, great. I would absolutely. I would absolutely be open to doing it. And I would say please interrupt me when I reached time. Yeah, I'm also setting the intention that they'll, you know, bring through a few quick things. And then we can, you know, honor your time as well. Well, you know, time flies when you're in the higher dimensions and you're having fun on the airwaves. Right. And that's what we do here. I think we have transcended linear time in our show today. That's why we're coming up to time. But no, we have about five plus minutes or so to share with our guests some interesting information. And I'll probably give you a little heads up so we can come to a full thought and come to a completion of the process. So whenever you're ready, Amy, we'd love to hear. Well, I am ready. Yeah, Ok. let's let's hit it. All right. So the thing that the greater consciousness wants to bring through for your audience, and they're really putting an exclamation point on this is to not lose faith in the process that has been going on. And so what they're saying is, they're really speaking almost like individually to each and every one of the audience members. It's like, Don't lose faith in the momentum that you've already started. Whether the outward, outward appearance of, you know, looks like it's going to be bumpy or smooth or somewhere in between, to Keep your eye on the prize. Because the energy of this eclipse that just happened here over the last few days, has laid the groundwork for more and more and more creation, creative energy, permeating the spaces tht we want. Creating the dreams that we want, allowing the dreams that we want. And what they're, what they're saying is that it's so important to keep, as I said, Keep your eye on the prize, keep the mindset that what you're putting forward, you are, you are moving towards no matter what is happening around you. And they want me to just say that they're not portending, that there's some big shakeup that's happening between now and the end of the year. But that if in any time in the history of us, of our lives, of those who are on the planet right now, where we have the most key components to not just realize and manifest our dreams, but to dream bigger. To create bigger to come into bigger community, bigger alignment, bigger understanding of our purpose, and why we're here. This time now, is it. It is the time to really, to really lean into all of it. And to keep moving forward. Big, big, big momentum here on the planet. And for each one individually. What a very empowering message from greater consciousness through Amy White. Thank you, Amy. That was great. Anything you want to share in closing? That I'm just I'm sorry, because I'm just coming out of channel here. Okay. Yeah. But no, just that. One of the reasons why we spoke about how to connect into our intuition, our inner knowing, today with your audience is because that invitation to deepen the connection with the who we each are, and start to really listen to our truth as the capital T-Truth and less about what is being given to us or told to us or shared with us. That's where we're going from a human soul evolutionary perspective. And that's part of this whole momentum that the greater consciousness is just speakng about. It's really this juicy magical times for us to all be on the planet. So let's all get excited and get ready and receive it. My guest today has been Amy White, intuitive medium and channel. An you can reach her at am Thank you so much, Amy. This was a great show you shared so much insightful and healing information. We're so happy to have you as a guest on Cosmic Scene today. Thank you. It's an honor and a privilege to be here. Thank you Amy. I hope you enjoyed this episode of Cosmic Scene with my guest Amy White, intuitive medium and truth-bomb dropper. Remem er to subscribe, download, share and give us a five star revie for this episode and all episo es of Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine. This is Cosmic Sce e signing out sending you hea ing vibrations through the qua tum field.