Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

July 2021 Astro Update & Sun Sign Forecasts

July 03, 2021 Jill Jardine Season 4 Episode 72

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Professional Astrologer, Jill Jardine, M.A. Counseling/Psychology shares her insights on the Astrology for the month of July 2021.  Stay tuned to the end of the episode for Sun Sign forecasts for each Zodiac sign.

Here are the key dates of Astrological activity for July 2021:
July 1:   Mars in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius
July 3:   Mars in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus
July 9:   Cancer New Moon
July 13: Mars/Venus conjunction in Leo
July 17:  Sun in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn
July 23:   FULL MOON with Sun in Leo/Moon in Aquarius
July 27:  Mercury enters Leo

NEW MOON IN CANCER occurs on July 9th at 8:17 pm EST .  The Sun and Moon are together in harmony with mystical Neptune in Pisces, making for nice love connections..  This New Moon in Cancer trine Neptune, provides a chill time to take a break, nurture yourself, find comfort in the simple things and cherish time with your family and loved ones.  Trust your intuition and instincts. This New Moon occurs at 18 degrees Cancer with the Sun & Moon conjoined at that degree.   According t0 the Sabian Symbol system of  archetypal descriptions of the 360 degrees of the Zodiac: CANCER 18 degrees:  A HEN SCRATCHING THE GROUND TO FIND NOURISHMENT FOR HER PROGENY. 
KEYNOTE: The practical concern with everyday nourishment necessary to sustain one's outreaching activities.

On July 13, Mars and Venus conjunct in fiery Leo fanning the flames of passion, and raising the Love frequency.    Get out of your head and into your heart, with all matters of your heart and see if there is a new clarity that emerges.  

ON JULY 17th Power hungry Pluto in Capricorn opposes soothing Sun in Cancer.  On a personal level, this is a good time to feel the fear and do it anyway.  How can you break out of the Matrix and live a life that is fulfilling to you without fear, and despite what you hear on the news ?

FULL MOON with the Sun in Leo and Moon in Aquarius occurs on July 23.  This is the first of two Aquarius full moons in the Summer of 2021, the other one will occur on August 22.  This July 23rd Full Moon in Aquarius occurs in the first degrees of Aquarius and the August 22nd closes out the last degrees in Aquarius.  We are at a crossroads, closing one chapter of collective experience while a new era unfolds.  We are straddling the past and the future, and the outcomes depend on the collective consciousness evolves to escape the thralldom and enslavement old programs.

This Full Moon occurs at 1 degree Aquarius. The Sabian Symbol for 1 degree Aquarius is : AN OLD ADOBE MISSION IN CALIFORNIA.
KEYNOTE: The power inherent in all great human works to endure far beyond the workers' life span.

THE LEO LOVE FEST CONTINUES in late July when Mercury enters Leo on July 27th joining the Sun and Mars in the fiery flames.  July provides the fuel for fireworks, fun and festivities all month long, under Leo’s luminescence.

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