Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

August 2021 Astro Update & Sun Sign Forecasts

Jill Jardine Season 4 Episode 76

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Professional Astrologer, Jill Jardine, shares her astrological forecast for August 2021. Stay tuned til the end of the episode when Jill gives her Sun sign forecast for each Zodiac sign!

August initiates with a love fest from Venus in Virgo trining Uranus in Taurus, followed by the powerful Lionsgate Portal opening on 8/8 coinciding with a Leo New Moon, and Venus transiting into her loving and luxurious Libra home. Meanwhile from August 16th-22, five planets will be in their home signs amplifying the frequencies of contentment, manifestation and prosperity, Uranus turns retrograde right before the powerful Full Moon, Blue Moon in Aquarius on August 22.

Here are the Key dates in AUGUST 2021: 
August 2: Venus in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus
August 8:  8/8 LIONSGATE portal opens at Leo New Moon
August 15:  Venus transits into Libra
August 16-22 5 planets in dignity in home signs including, Sun in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Libra, Saturn in Aquarius and Neptune in Pisces
August 19:  Uranus retrogrades in Taurus
August 22:  FULL MOON with Sun in Leo/Moon in Aquarius 

August offers a month of introspection as four of the five traditional outer planets are traveling backward, including Jupiter and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, Neptune redux in Pisces, and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn.  Rest up and relax in the Leo sun before late month accelerations into September. 

August is ushered in under the auspicious stars of Sirius, and the Goddess of Love, Venus in Virgo making a smooth and sensuous connection with erratic Uranus in fellow earth sign, Taurus. Go with this harmonious flow, and get clear where you want your love life to go, in preparation for the Leo New Moon of 8/8, the Lions Gate, where doors to manifestation open wide!

The Lions Gate, is a big portal date (8/8) in the galactic consciousness community, which blasts open from the time that the Sun transits into Leo, (this year on 7/22), peaking at the date 8/8 which coincides with the Leo New Moon this year.  The portal is activated every year during the Leo equinox forcing purification of mind, body and spirit in order to squeeze through the "eye of the needle." 

The Leo energy  is associated with royalty, and so this alignment can is alerting us to take back our sovereignty in our own lives, including Health Sovereignty, financial independence, and Soul connection. 

NEW MOON IN LEO occurs on August 8 at 9:50 am EST .  The Sun and Moon are together in Leo, with Mercury close by and being opposed by Saturn in Aquarius. This is a great time for inspiration and communication.    This New Moon occurs at 16 degrees Leo with the Sun & Moon conjoined at that degree.   According t0 the Sabian Symbol system of  archetypal descriptions of the 360 degrees of the Zodiac: LEO 16 degrees: (LEO 16°): THE STORM ENDED, ALL NATURE REJOICES IN BRILLIANT SUNSHINE.KEYNOTE: The surge of life and love after a major crisis.

On August 15th, Venus comes home to her luxurious and beautiful abode in Libra until September 10th when she slinks into seductive and sexy Scorpio. The Goddess of Love is ready to improve our relationships, helpi the lonely find love, and beautify our lives. 

From August 16-22, there are 5 planets in natural rulership including the Sun in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Libra, Saturn in Aquarius and Neptune in Pisces. This planetary plenum enhances and distributes the amplified energies for ascension coming from central Sun and Sirius.

Uranus goes retrograde on August 19th, giving us a reset and setting the stage for the wild and wacky and a “Once in a Blue Moon experience” leading into the Full Moon Blue Moon.

FULL MOON with the Sun in LEO and Moon in Aquarius occurs on

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