Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

Get Ready! Here Come the Eclipses of Late 2021!

November 09, 2021 Jill Jardine Season 5 Episode 88

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 Get ready for eclipses on November 19, 2021 with a Full Moon Lunar eclipse and December 4, 2021 with a total Solar eclipse!

In this episode Astrologer Jill Jardine, discusses the implications of eclipses and the phenomena of "Ecliptic Fallout" or the aftermath of eclipses. In astrology throughout the ages, eclipses were harbingers of big changes. They occur up to four to six times a year, usually in a cluster of two or three throughout one month, and then the companion eclipses occur six months later. Usually we experience 4 eclipses in one year.  However, there can be up to 6 eclipses in one year as occurred in 2020. Which is probably why it was such a difficult year - we were eclipsed!  Lunar eclipses tend to take things away, while solar eclipses tend to expose or reveal something that was hidden.

 On November 19, 2021, we have a Lunar Eclipse with the Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Taurus. So you Taureans and Scorpions are on high alert, due to an eclipse occurring in your signs. In astrology, Scorpio and Taurus are money signs.  Taurus in our chart indicates our value system and resources, which includes money we make, what we like to spend our money on, and how we cultivate resources and what we value. Scorpio in astrology relates to shared resources, money we receive from others, partner’s money, death, transformation and rebirth.  So with this lunar eclipse activating Taurus and Scorpio, there will be many issues regarding money or lack of money, resources and the economy.  This eclipse precurses economic concerns in 2022, including the end of extreme speculation (such as with the Real Estate Market and other extravagant spending or gambling). 

Scorpio, as well as indicating shared finances, is ruled by the planet Pluto, who’s domain is death, rebirth and transformation.  So this Scorpio/Taurus full moon eclipse portends more death, with people leaving their bodies, in the next few months. During the upcoming months, we will notice that more celebrity’s are passing away, which indicates that in the general population, more people are dying.  This is a time of decision, for souls to stay on the Earth plane or transition to higher dimensions. Many will leave their bodies but many will decide to ride the waves of transformation on Earth as she evolves from her 3rd dimensional form into a 5th dimensional frequency.  This eclipse provides the energies for rapid transformation and evolution, so we will see many people AWAKENING in the early months of 2022.

The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius occurs on December 4, 2021, and continues the theme of many people leaving their bodies in the coming months.  However, with the Sun and Moon in Sag, a sign ruled by Jupiter, the eternal optimist, and benefic astrologically, so Jupiter’s blessing from Aquarius throwing advantageous aspects to this new moon may bode upliftment and favorable influence for the future.  We are standing at a crossroads regarding how the future can unfold personally or collectively.  Stay in positivity and anchor the light at this new moon.  

Sometimes the solar eclipse opens up opportunities following a new directive in our life. On a collective level, solar eclipses are a very interesting time to see what shows up in the media. Lots of secrets are revealed, and people will be exposed. Solar eclipses force growth, and as I said earlier, they tend to activate one sign of the zodiac because the sun and moon are together. So with the upcoming Eclipse, solar eclipse on 12/4 ,Sagittarians are going to get activated, as are the opposite sign Gemini. Some of the other signs will have mixed messages or mixed experiences at this upcoming summer solstice solar eclipse

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