Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

December 2021 Astro Update

Jill Jardine Season 5 Episode 91

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Can you believe 2021 is coming to a close?  This year flew by, despite dramas regarding vaccines, politics, and the rise of Cryptocurrency!

Check out this podcast with the key astrological aspects for December 2021, including the intense Solar Eclipse on December 4. Stayed tuned until the end of the episode when Astrologer Jill Jardine, shares her sun sign forecasts.

December enters with the eclipse window wide open!  That means there are still many shifts and changes ahead.  Hang onto your holiday hat! 

December 1: Neptune goes direct!
December 4:  New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
December 13:  Mars transits into Sag & Mercury transits into Capricorn
December 18: Full Moon with Sun in Sag and Moon in Gemini
December 19: Venus retrogrades in Capricorn
December 21: Winter Solstice - sun transits into Capricorn
December 28:  Jupiter transits into Pisces

December dances in with Nebulous Neptune going direct on December 1st.  Neptune is the cosmic spell-binder, casting delusions and illusions, setting up smoke screens and hypnotizing the collective consciousness into a trance of believing everything they are told by the mesmerizing media mirages.  

After December 1st when Neptune goes direct, pay attention to the clarity and insights you receive, and tune into your own intuition and perceptions!

New Moon total Solar eclipse seeps in on December 4th, revealing hidden information, distorted facts and other secrets.  A total Solar Eclipse can leave destructive fall-out and big changes in the coming months to the countries that are in the path of the eclipse.  Perhaps big earth changes, such as Earthquakes, tsunamis and other geo-catacalysmic events will happen in these places. 

 Australia, South Africa,  Antarctica, and the southern tip of South America are in the path of this solar eclipse. We might see some major issues occurring in these areas of the world in the coming months.

Weirdly enough during this eclipse, the Omicron variant of the Coronavirus variant made it’s debut in South Africa, which is in the eclipse path. Australia, also in the eclipse path, has been amping up the Covid lockdown plans for their population.

The Sabian symbol (an archetypal system describing the 360 degrees of the Zodiac) for this New Moon at 12 degrees Sagittarius says " (SAGITTARIUS 12°): 

KEYNOTE: The spiritualization and promotion of great symbols of a New Age by minds sensitive to its precursory manifestations.

December 13th augurs an active astrological day, as Mars moves into Sagittarius and Mercury transits into Capricorn. Mars entering Sag will add some pep to our step and get everyone excited about the upcoming holiday despite Mercury moving to cautious Capricorn. Mars transiting Sagittarius until January 24, 2022 will help to mitigate a Capricornian cluster of planets in December-January 2022 including Mercury, Venus, Sun and Pluto.  Mars in Sag will keep the spirits up, fan the fires, of festivities and frolic and give optimistic outlooks for the holiday season and New Year. 

The Cold Full Moon shines in on December 18th as 5:34 pm EST, with the Sun in Sag and Moon in Gemini. During this Full Moon the Sun is at the  Galactic Center degree, of 27 degrees Sagittarius. This Full Moon shines the light on Mother Gaia, the planet, Bhu Devyei, bringing the attention of the Galactic community to the craziness here on planet Earth. Should they intercede and help enlighten our intellects?

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