Cosmic Scene with Jill Jardine

January 2022 Astro Update & Sun Sign Forecasts

Jill Jardine Season 5 Episode 96

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Professional Astrologer, Jill Jardine, M.A. Counseling Psychology, gives the Astrological scoop for January 2022.  Stay tuned until the end of the episode when Jill shares her Sun Sign forecasts for each sign.

Key dates and activities in January 2022:
1//2/22-  New Moon in Capricorn
1/14- Mercury goes retrograde until February 3, 2022
Transits retrograde in Aquarius from 1/14-1/25/22
Retrograde in Capricorn from 1/25-2/3/22
1/16: Sun conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn
1/17- Full Moon in Cancer with Sun in Capricorn
1/18 - Uranus goes direct in Taurus
1/19:  Lunar Nodes switch to signs/ South Node in Scorpio- North Node in Taurus
1/19 Sun enters Aquarius
1/23  Mercury Retrograde conjuncts the Sun in Aquarius
1/24  Mars transits into Capricorn
1/29 Venus goes direct in Capricorn

January initiates with karmic Capricorn keeping things slow and grim, but by month’s end Aquarius is building steam, soon to strike like lightning at the Aquarian New moon on Feb 1-breaking free from the Capricornian restrictive energies.

New Moon occurs on January 2, kicking off the New Year. There are intense Cosmic energies beaming in from Galactic Sources to mitigate and launch 2022 and our consciousness to a higher frequency. 

According to the Mayan Calendar, we are traveling through a 20 day Core Ascension Portal from December 30, 2021 through January 18, 2022. In simple terms this mean we are leaving the past behind, collectively & individually and diving through the quantum field into a new arising future.  Of course the choice is yours, to stay in a crumbling 3rd dimensional matrix, or shift into a field of potentialities that we will anchor down to the earth in the coming months and years. And that’s the key, we are anchoring or grounding these higher dimensional portal energies into our lives through our physical bodies and our energetic physiology, through the Chakra system, nadis and meridiens. This is a highly kundalini activating time.  Seek time from your day to day life during these 20 days to run energy through your body through exercise, yoga, breath work, mantra and other spiritual practices.

 Things accelerate even more when Uranus transits direct on January 18th in Taurus. Uranus has been retrograde since August 19, 2021. The sleeping giant of collective revolutionary awareness was also simmering behind the scenes.  Uranus’s keynote is anything for FREEDOM.

Between the Mayan Ascension Portal Days, Uranus going direct, Pluto conjunct the Sun and A FULL MOON in mid-January- it’s going to be a wild ride. 

During the last few days of the Ascension Portal, there are other planetary activities getting into the galactic groove including Pluto in Capricorn conjuncting the Sun, on January 16th - sure to bring another power play from the control agenda.  Intense energies are available that day, watch for confrontations and explosive situations.  This is the day before the Full Moon in Capricorn with the Sun in Cancer.  Capricornian control of the 3 D matrix wants you to stay put and stay scared.  Cancer asks that you find your comfort, and don’t let anyone take it away from you.

 Lunar Nodes shifting into North Node Taurus and South Node Scorpio - this the money Axis in Astrology! Yep, we are going to see big shifts in financial markets, including Crypto currency from January 19, 2022- July 2023. Stay tuned for my upcoming podcast on the Nodal Axis of Taurus and Scorpio, and what that means for each sign, and the groups that have that placement in their natal charts.

Venus goes direct in Capricorn on January 29th after being retrograde since December 19th.
Mercury goes retrograde on January 14- February 3, 2021, offering time to re-as

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