Raise the Vibe with Liz Podcast

Tilly Storm, The Relationship Matrix and Intimacy

November 10, 2021 Liz Peterson Season 2 Episode 23

Raised Southern Baptist, Tilly was taught that desire was sinful and that sexuality was a source of shame. She had internalized these messages and didn’t begin questioning them until after freebirthing her first baby at 23. By the time she was 27, she was divorced with two kids, feeling frustrated because she could only orgasm in one way, was uncomfortable with her body, and bumping up against the limits to her pleasure. Tilly realized there must be more to sex than this! 

So began her long journey researching ways that one could feel more confident and comfortable in their body and the bedroom. Tilly voraciously devoured every book she could get her hands on about sexuality, signed up for a class that taught her the jade egg practice--which led to a kundalini awakening, and to her becoming multi-orgasmic--and learned the sacred art of tantra. 

Working seven years as a doula shed light on the struggles that women have with their sexuality when moving through transformational life events, such as giving birth, menopause and divorce, and ingrained cultural and religious messages. Seeing these issues, and having worked through her own sexual challenges and hangups, she was inspired to assist other women in doing the same and help them to reclaim their desire, reignite the flow of their sexual energy and connect to their divine feminine essence.  

Tilly used this inspiration to go from a $20,000/year birth doula, to building a six figure coaching business in the span of two years. Now she is a world-renowned expert in the Tantric and Toaist arts, helping individuals and couples change their narratives around sexuality, move through their blocks to pleasure and increase their confidence and connection, helping them step into their power and authenticity in the bedroom and beyond. 

Tilly is a proud American, doting mother of two amazing boys, and devoted romantic partner. Her no-nonsense attitude, traditional family values, belief in hard work, meritocracy and personal responsibility, and willingness to speak the truth at all costs sets her apart in a field dominated by the enshrinement of victimhood culture, the overuse of ‘safe spaces’ and the fear of saying anything that might upset or offend someone. 

Tilly is assisting in creating a world where everyone has access to feeling and experiencing their body and sexuality as sacred and pleasurable, and where relationships strengthen and grow because individuals and couples have the tools and understanding to come (and cum) together despite differences in sexual preferences and libidos.

More about Liz-
Work- https://www.lizshealingtouch.com/
Radio Show- https://www.voiceofvashon.org/raise-the-vibe
Podcast- https://www.buzzsprout.com/958816
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/raisethevibewithliz
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/raisethevibewithliz/

Support me on Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/user?u=43081730
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