Go Beyond Here

Jazz Duo Tuck and Patti

Go Beyond Here Episode 13

Kari connects Patti to her dad and soul sister, while they talk about their Windham Hill days which was like a tsunami and included having their videos on MTV alongside bands like Depeche Mode and the advice they gave to their niece St. Vincent, what they see is their raison d'etre as a duo, whether they are always together personally and professionally because of their love or the music, past lives and how they recognized each other before speaking at that moment they met again, not playing it safe on stage and metaphors for life, how this moment in the world is different for everyone, the music that plays in their heads, Bach gets a mention, Tuck's way of reminding himself to be grateful in that moment, Patti's songwriting and what she does for grounding, and is scatting like channeling and can everyone do it?