Go Beyond Here

Yes Founding Member and Lead Singer Jon Anderson

Episode 25

Kari connects Jon to his father, as they talk about past lives, knowing author and past-life regression pioneer Dr. Brian Weiss (a Yes fan) whose work was the subject of his musical, how his wife Jane got a personal regression session from Brian himself after she brought his book "Many Lives Many Masters" up on their first date as they talked about the spiritual side of life, finding a fellow seeker of the spiritual with his wife and partner in music and life, Jane, the other dimensional, metaphysical experience with angels that helped put him on his life path of spirituality that happened in Sin City, being a pure channel for music from his Higher Self and the Other Side, how it took him a long time to meditate even after going to another place one time with his spiritual teacher, the spiritual words of action in "Owner of a Lonely Heart" that one may not initially hear, his daily process for music that includes vocalizing and creating words like "Ramalama," a track on his new album "1,000 Hands," which includes Yes bandmate Steve Howe, Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson, Jean-Luc Ponty, Tower of Power horns, and new music he's busy working on during this moment in the world.