Strata Leadership Show
The Strata Leadership Show is a podcast dedicated to helping you gain clarity, lead effectively, and drive results for yourself, your team, and your organization. www. strataleadership.com
Strata Leadership Show
Interview with Kevin Claypool: Meaningful Relationships
Strata Leadership
Season 2
Episode 8
Kevin Claypool, Director of Learning and Development at Anheuser-Busch, visits with Dr. Nathan Mellor on his path to leadership and the learning and development industry.
A leadership development and training professional with more than 14 years of practical facilitating, training, curriculum development, and team management experience, Claypool is proficient in training design, curriculum research, measurement, and mission alignment. Having leveraged these job skills, he has created culture-changing and skill enhancing training opportunities, thus allowing organizational contributors and leaders the opportunity to become the best version of themselves.