South Phoenix Oral History Project

1.21. I Have Another Graduation To Look Forward To (with Clarissa)

SMCCHistory Season 1 Episode 21

Clarissa was supposed to walk in the commencement ceremony for her AA from South Mountain Community College in the Spring of 2020. But she's not letting the cancelled ceremony get her down. She says, "I have another graduation" to look forward to, when she transfers to a university for her Bachelor's degree. In the last few weeks of the semester, she was spending a ton of time online in class meetings and MEChA functions. But, when the semester comes to an end, she plans to start a garden.

As a student leader, Clarissa noticed that people were a bit hesitant to join MEChA meetings online, but she and the club president worked hard to stay in contact with their peers.

She misses the option to leave her house without being fearful and having to disinfect everything she touches. She worries about the potential second wave, but hopes

Clarissa isn't sure about her future as a student. She's "kind of scared to go" to in-person classes in the fall, but trying to remain hopeful that in the future she won't take her health for granted.

She wants other students to keep pushing, and not be too hard on themselves if focusing on coursework is difficult.

See Clarissa's profile at

Show notes:

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Interview date: 5/7/20