South Phoenix Oral History Project

1.25. A Better Normal (with Chandra)

June 16, 2020 SMCCHistory Season 1 Episode 25

Today's episode is a conversation with Chandra, a recent graduate from South Mountain Community College. After a lot of hard work, Chandra was gearing up for a well-deserved commencement celebration. But when the graduation ceremony was cancelled in Spring 2020, Chandra was disappointed.

During the quarantine, however, Chandra is maintaining high spirits by focusing on her faith. She's a mom of three kids, two who are learning online, just like her. She's found a lot of joy in spending time with her children, and deepening her relationship with God.

Show notes: 

  • Chandra quoted scripture: Psalm 46:1: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
  • Chandra's essay, "My Children Will See Me Walk" was published at on June 16, 2020. 
  • Chandra "walked" in our virtual graduation episode on June 13th, 2020! Way to go, Chandra! She's the first in her family to graduate with an A.A. 

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Interview Date: 5/11/20