South Phoenix Oral History Project

1.28. Equity is Part of the Conversation (with Dr. Kevin Kelly)

SMCCHistory Season 1 Episode 28

Today we talk with Dr. Kevin Kelly, consultant, lecturer, and higher education scholar.

Kevin, who teaches a class called "How to Learn from Your Mobile Device" at San Francisco State University, gives us lots to think about when it comes to developing meaningful online classes in the context of a global pandemic. He suggests a variety of creative solutions to questions like, "What if a student doesn't own a computer or mobile device to submit assignments?"

As he looks to the future, Kevin hopes that educators across the country continue the wave of collaboration that seemed to define the first few months of #TeachingintheCOVID19era. He believes that if we take enough away from this experience, higher education will improve and last. He advocates for a Universal Design-coined approach: Teach Every Student.

Show notes: 

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Interview Date: 5/11/20