South Phoenix Oral History Project

1.31. Finding Something Positive (with Megan)

July 09, 2020 SMCCHistory Season 1 Episode 31

Today we talk with Megan, an inspirational college student. When Megan had to move home from college, she found herself missing her routine and friends at Texas A&M, while trying to figure out how to succeed in online classes.

Megan is majoring in molecular and cell biology, and hoping to go to medical school in the future. In the middle of the semester, her lab classes were switched to online, with Zoom and video lectures, and she wanted to find a way to release the stress away from a screen.

Megan's had lots of hobbies her whole life. While back at home, she began designing and making clay earrings with her mom and sister. Her project evolved into a business which she launched on social media in the end of March. She sees this time in history as an opportunity to try new things and continue to grow. Her first customer outside of her friend group was Dr. Stevie Stanford, a guest on our show!

Even though she loves spending time with her family and growing her business, Megan misses school and looks forward to taking the MCATs soon.

Hear Megan's interview wherever you get your podcasts.

Show notes: 

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Interview Date: 4/9/20