South Phoenix Oral History Project

1.37. You Need to Un-Learn the Things You Were Taught (with Miranda Rivers)

Miranda Rivers from the US Institute of Peace joins us to talk about nonviolent action, protest, and social change in the #COVID19era. She's the first people we've interviewed outside of the field of education to get some perspective on the role of schools, teachers, and students in the move toward a better future.

Miranda's watershed moment was the national reaction to the murder of George Floyd in May 2020. She finds herself pondering why our current social, economic, and political environments shaped the call to action in May and June 2020. Along with her nonviolent action team, Miranda argues that "building movements requires dialogue and negotiation skills," and she believes that educators play a phenomenal role. Now is the time, she believes, to rethink our curriculum in order to create systemic change.

She reflects, "Racism is not new. Police brutality is not new. What is new is COVID. That makes me feel like... we can get through it." She's hoping that out of this we see more empathy and more honestly. 

Hear Miranda's interview wherever you get your podcasts.

Show notes: 

  • Take a look at Miranda's articles on peace and nonviolent action. 
  • Request an interview with Miranda, contact:
  • Connect with Miranda by emailing her: 

Interview Date: 7/2/20

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