South Phoenix Oral History Project

1.40. Black Engineering Faculty Speak (with the Black in Engineering Team)

August 11, 2020 SMCCHistory Season 1 Episode 40

Today's episode is a conversation with the team behind Black in Engineering. Drs. Carlotta Berry (Rose-Hulman University); Brooke Coley (Arizona State University); Leroy Long III (Embry-Riddle, FL); Tahira Reid (Purdue); and Monica F. Cox (Ohio State) called in to talk about their moving video, "Black Engineering Faculty Speak." 

Their collaboration is a true testament to bravery, innovation, and commitment to social change. The discussed their collaborative process, and how they cared for each other while working together across distance and space. Out of their work also came their Call to Action - a list of priorities and recommendations for universities and colleges for anti-racist initiatives. In our conversation, they shared how individual faculty members can be agents of positive change.

Hear our interview with the team wherever you get your podcasts.

Show notes: 

Interview Date: 7/16/20

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