South Phoenix Oral History Project

1.45. It's Time to Breathe (with Melanie Ho and David Attis)

SMCCHistory Season 1 Episode 45

Today's interview is with two experts from EAB: Education Technology, Services, and Research in Washington, D.C.

Melanie Ho is Senior Vice President of Research and David Attis is a managing director. They've known each other for several years, this is their first time being interviewed together!

Lately, Melanie has been thinking a lot about the impact of COVID19, grief, and isolation. As difficult as it is, she's heartened to discover new ways to connect with family, friends, and even strangers! "It allows us to face our common humanity" with people we do not know.

David feels privileged to work from home, since much of his job in the years required him to travel constantly. He misses meeting with people face to face and being in new places, but he finds he enjoys managing his time virtually.

David's watershed moment was while he was traveling in the second week of March 2020. From California, he called his wife and told her he was cutting his trip short. She immediately went to the grocery store and for months, neither of them left their neighborhood. Melanie sensed things were changing that week, as well. "Honestly," she chuckled, "we thought we were being paranoid." But then, all of a sudden, her entire team of researchers had to pivot from their established projects to looking at education through a COVID lens.

In this challenging time of COVID19, you may be wondering "what can I really do?" Melanie and David urge us to maintain and build relationships, "even it that means getting through a little less content," because teachers and faculty are so critical when it comes to the wellbeing of our students.

Hear the interview wherever you get your podcasts.

Show notes: 

Interview Date: 7/31/2020

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