South Phoenix Oral History Project

1.46. Online is the New Normal (with Dennis Kibbe)

SMCCHistory Season 1 Episode 46

Dennis Kibbe teaches Computer Information Systems at Mesa Community College in Arizona.

In the spring of 2020, Dennis and Summer touched base about the rapid switch to online teaching and learning during the outbreak of COVID19. An expert in teaching using technology, Dennis had a lot of excellent advice for his fellow teachers about teaching online, and doing it well.

Dennis suggests his students use the Pomodoro technique to help them to focus getting work done for classes. It's a tried and true method that writers use all the time. But students in any class can benefit from this approach to manage their time.

Looking for a good book? Dennis suggests The Science of Getting Rich, which inspired the film The Secret.

Hear the interview wherever you get your podcasts.

Show notes: 

Interview Date: 4/13/2020

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