South Phoenix Oral History Project

1.49. My Whole Career Has Prepared Me for This (with Patricia Herrera)

Look back with us on one of the first interviews we conducted in the spring of 2020. Patricia Herrera is a Training and Development Consultant at South Mountain Community College's Center for Teaching and Learning. In late March when many of us were feeling overwhelmed and unprepared, Patricia was energized by the challenge. Her only low was not having enough time to help everyone.

Like so many educational technologists across the world, Patricia was a true rock star in a time of confusion, stress, and anxiety. She overextended herself at times, knowing that it was "unrealistic at this time" to maintain her traditional 8-5 schedule. Instead, she found ways to be responsive to every demand from faculty, while also being there for her family. It wasn't easy, but she approached the challenge with excitement! She was enthusiastic about experimenting with new technologies, learning from others, and being a significant source of help for others.

Patricia sees herself as a tree - someone who balances many branches of responsibilities for her family, friends, and colleagues. But in mid-March, she began to feel the branches snapping under the pressure of adjusting to a new world with new demands. With four children now learning from home, and the entire campus looking to Patricia to help them suddenly learn to teach online, she continued to remind herself to stay positive and "remain a pillar" for her family and colleagues.

She reminds her fellow moms out there that, "We can do it. We are strong."

Find her episode wherever you get your podcasts.

Show notes: 

Interview conducted: 3/26/20