South Phoenix Oral History Project

2.27. Mock Interview

SMCCHistory Season 2 Episode 27

It's the second season of the More and More Every Day Podcast. Join us every day for short (10 minute) episodes to talk all things oral history and challenge yourself with a daily oral history prompt.

Today's prompt: Conduct a full mock interview with someone you don't know too well.  Go through the entire process – get consent, test your equipment, record the conversation, and ask the questions. Pay special attention to how you perform as an interviewer. Are you nervous? Does anything happen that distracts you? What happens when your narrator answers a question you were planning to ask later? Do you feel relaxed or stressed out? 

Share your progress with us:
@SMCChistory (Twitter and Insta)

More and More Every Day is brought to you by the South Phoenix Oral History Project at South Mountain Community College, in partnership with the Southwest Oral History Association.