South Phoenix Oral History Project

2.52. Grey Areas - Questions You Can't Get Answered

SMCCHistory Season 2 Episode 52

It's the second season of the More and More Every Day Podcast. Join us every day for short (10 minute) episodes to talk all things oral history and challenge yourself with a daily oral history prompt.

Today's prompt: Think about a difficult or sensitive topic that you’d really like a narrator to speak about, and determine  a strategy for asking (and re-asking) the question in future interviews. What will you do if your narrator demurs? How many times will you ask and ask again before you give up? How many different ways could you ask the same question to get at different answers? 


Share your progress with us:
@SMCChistory (Twitter and Insta)

More and More Every Day is brought to you by the South Phoenix Oral History Project at South Mountain Community College, in partnership with the Southwest Oral History Association. 

Tags: South Phoenix Oral History Project