South Phoenix Oral History Project

2.53. Interviews You Conducted, and Interviews You Didn’t

SMCCHistory Season 2 Episode 53

It's the second season of the More and More Every Day Podcast. Join us every day for short (10 minute) episodes to talk all things oral history and challenge yourself with a daily oral history prompt.

Today's prompt: For today’s challenge, you can one of two things. Using Shopes’ summary guide, you can evaluate an interview you’ve conducted that you haven’t processed yet, or you can analyze an interview that you did not conduct, but might be able to apply to your research. And bonus challenge, in your notebook, brainstorm a question or two you might ask future narrators that perhaps may get to a topic that you may not use, but a future researcher could benefit from knowing. 


Share your progress with us:
@SMCChistory (Twitter and Insta)

More and More Every Day is brought to you by the South Phoenix Oral History Project at South Mountain Community College, in partnership with the Southwest Oral History Association. 

Tags: South Phoenix Oral History Project