South Phoenix Oral History Project

1.30. The Possibilities are Amazing (with Dr. Timothy K. Eatman)

SMCCHistory Season 1 Episode 30

Today's interview with Dr. Timothy K. Eatman invites us to expand instead of shrink, create instead of cower, and stretch beyond our reach.

Dr. Eatman is the Inaugural Dean of the Honors Living-Learning Community at Rutgers University, where he is also Association Professor of Urban Education. Professor Eatman studies, writes, and teaches about the power of imagination. His interview is passionate, probing, and timely as we navigate questions on equity and inclusion while teaching in the COVID19 Era.

As faculty continue to face new challenges in this space and time, Dr. Eatman encourages us to constantly grow, innovate new learning communities, and collaborate with those who inspire us. And, he reminds us - there is a story being written here. Share and reflect on your experiences as we move forward.

He ends with questions for all of us: Are you thinking? Are you taking care of your mind? Are you taking care of your body? Are you growing?

Hear Tim's interview wherever you get your podcasts.

Show notes: 

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Interview Date: 4/14/20