Podcast on Crimes Against Women

Without Escape from the Chains of Intimate Partner Violence, No Other Equity Can Exist: Examining the Model of Emergency Response for Victims of Domestic Violence and How the Model Can Be Improved

Conference on Crimes Against Women Season 2 Episode 11

Episode twelve of the second season of the Podcast on Crimes Against Women continues our domestic violence series with the second of two episodes from Jan Langbein, Chief Executive Officer of Genesis Women's Shelter and Support. In this episode, Jan discusses the current model of emergency response for victims of domestic violence, possible alternatives to emergency shelter for victims, new innovations around emergent responses to domestic violence and how she reimagines the ideal response model for victims. Jan goes on to explore how she plans to implement such a plan, how law enforcement can play a role in such a vision, and what is planned for the future of Genesis Women's Shelter and Support.