The Dead Pixels Society podcast

ImageQuix and Capturelife combine; what does it mean for school and event photography?

January 13, 2021 Gary Pageau Season 2 Episode 29
ImageQuix and Capturelife combine; what does it mean for school and event photography?
The Dead Pixels Society podcast
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The Dead Pixels Society podcast
ImageQuix and Capturelife combine; what does it mean for school and event photography?
Jan 13, 2021 Season 2 Episode 29
Gary Pageau

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Gary Pageau of the Dead Pixels Society talks with Rich Scanlon, CEO of ImageQuix, and Scott DeFusco, founder and CEO of Capturelife, about the breaking news that ASG, the parent company of ImageQuix and Photolynx, has acquired Capturelife. We'll talk about what the combination means to customers for both companies, where future growth opportunities are, and the changing volume photography landscape.

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Hosted and produced by Gary Pageau
Edited by Olivia Pageau
Announcer: Erin Manning

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Gary Pageau of the Dead Pixels Society talks with Rich Scanlon, CEO of ImageQuix, and Scott DeFusco, founder and CEO of Capturelife, about the breaking news that ASG, the parent company of ImageQuix and Photolynx, has acquired Capturelife. We'll talk about what the combination means to customers for both companies, where future growth opportunities are, and the changing volume photography landscape.

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Hosted and produced by Gary Pageau
Edited by Olivia Pageau
Announcer: Erin Manning

Gary Pageau  0:03  
Hello again and welcome to the Dead Pixels Society podcast. I'm your host, Gary Pageau. And today we're joined by the leadership of ImageQuix and Capturelife. Scott Defusco,  the founder of Capturelife and Rich Scanlon, the CEO of ImageQuix. Gentlemen, you've got some big news to share, why don't you fill us in?

Rich Scanlon  0:40  
Well, thanks, Gary. Appreciate you having Scott and me on here today. And we're excited to announce as of this week that we are proud partners with Capturelife and have completed a transaction to welcome them to the ASG family with the with ImageQuix and PhotoLynx.

Gary Pageau  1:03  
ASG is the parent company of ImageQuix and PhotoLynx, what how will Capturelife fit into that?

Rich Scanlon  1:17  
ASG, as you guys will know, our is our investment group that has invested over the past few years in photo technology, first with the acquisition of ImageQuix in May of 2018, I believe. And then PhotoLynx last year in June of 2019. And the partnership with Capturelife. This year is really just extension in our belief in our excitement in the photo technology, space, and both in high volume and now in the enterprise experience economy, as we're calling it, enterprise space, that being, you know, resorts, cruises excursions, you know, theme parks, attractions, just the whole experience economy. And, you know, that, notwithstanding the great technology that Scott and his team bring to the high volume market, allowing us to offer, you know, further digital and technology solutions, you know, to a space that that we firmly believe in support. That's our feeling on it. I don't know, Scott, if you had any further thoughts on, on how that kind of is playing out?

Scott DeFusco  2:25  
I'll just sort of share my, my excitement for this, and many of the alignment is incredibly strong, because we've been, you know, working with the team and the image quicks and photo links, and may go into that in more detail. So there's been alignment historically in the school and, and sports volume market. But our aspirations and our traction, the experience economy is just an exciting extension of our vision and couldn't be happier to be a part of the ASG portfolio to help us accelerate realizing the vision.

Gary Pageau  3:04  
In terms of people who have been working with ImageQuix and, or Capturelife, what will be the day-to-day change that they're going going going to see?

Rich Scanlon  3:15  
So right now, there's, there's really no day-to-day change. Scott and his team are remaining, you know, onboard, as is one of the founders, Jeff is will be transitioning out, he found a new role in the next few months. But Capturelife team kind of business as usual, with the support of the executive team, including myself to kind of continue their penetration into the experience market, our current integrations through our PhotoLynx, products will remain as is as we explore further integrations with the Capturelife technology platform, but it's kind of business as usual, in terms of how we're operating the businesses, and kind of where they fit into our portfolio is they're very kind of different strategies for us. And so we're excited to offer kind of an additional piece of technology in the high volume space, while also expanding our reach into the experience economy and giving Scott and his team the support, they need to penetrate what we believe is a market that's, you know, kind of ripe for disruption, you know, not only because of, you know, the technology that's gotten his team bring, but also you know, due to, you know, the global pandemic, and COVID digital products and digital solutions are more relevant than ever when it comes to sharing experiences through pre during and and post experience, if you will. So I think, you know, the silver lining and in this space, you know if there can be one is that, you know, there's opportunity to use technology to provide people with the same type of experiences they've had before.

Gary Pageau  4:53  
That's one of the things I think we've seen with COVID is it is accelerated, some people expansion or retreats from various markets, you know, we've seen people, you know, doubling down on, for example, in the retail space, they've been doubling down on mobile applications, and with online services. And I think in the pro photography space, we're seeing more of a interest in digital downloads and things like that, just because you have to deal with a lab, there's it's less touch, less fewer contacts, things like that.

Scott DeFusco  5:32  
Yeah, we're absolutely seeing that. I mean, that's actually a bright spot is, as rich said, and in this current situation is, you know, I saw a, an illustration on this cartoon. Back in like, April or so where it had people in an office building in a boardroom, and you're looking in from the outside, and you're talking about digital transformation. And someone says, I think we can put that off for another year, too, when you see this COVID wreckingball. Building, and it sort of illustrates what's happening out there is, as you said, people that have relied on the old, you know, sell photos and souvenirs and touchscreens and high, you know, interaction with staff, that that is not going to fly anymore. And so people are accelerating their digital transformation plans, and it's opened up some really interesting opportunities for us that we have a much better way to capitalize on now being part of the ASD team.

Gary Pageau  6:34  
Yeah, especially in the school space, because I was speaking to some of the CEOs of some of the school photography companies recently. And part of the discussion was around, even after COVID departs a lot of the business processes of contactless capture, and those types of processes are going to continue, they're not going to go away there, people aren't going to go back is the thing. So I think that's important going forward is looking at, you know, kind of what image quick sounds with photo links, as was capsule, iPads, and in terms of addressing not only what's happening now, but the future.

Rich Scanlon  7:15  
I think that's a great point, Gary, and I think we've, you know, we've been a big proponent, you know, even before the pandemic on the value of going digital and selling online and, and your ability to, to extract maximum value in average order value and number of people purchasing through digital marketing, online selling. And that's been something that's a drum we've been beating for, for a few years now. And I think people were skeptical, but customers who have made the switch, either, you know, because they you know, saw what was needed coming down the pike, or they're being forced to, you know, by the schools and sports leagues that they worked with, the value has been proven out, I think in terms of the ability to generate revenue. I mean, one of the biggest things we saw in March, when, you know, all the spring shoots got canceled and things got shut down was people needed a way to make money, and we resurfaced old jobs from years ago. And people were, we were able to generate real money from that and keep their businesses afloat, to a certain degree in stories like that has happened all year. And I think it's really proven out that, you know, a digital solution, and an online solution can make your life easier, make it more streamlined and about and allow you to have an ongoing engagement with the customer beyond just kind of the the dead end transaction, as we call it.

Gary Pageau  8:38  
So going forward, they're still PhotoLynx, they're still ImageQuix, and they're still Capturelife, but they're going to be more interconnected.

Rich Scanlon  8:49  
Yes, so the way to think about it, and we know sometimes it can be a little bit confusing, we see the brands is three distinct and strong brands as a standalone a PhotoLynx, obviously has been, you know, a bedrock of, of high-volume, you know, workflow solutions for many years in the space ImageQuix, you know, market leader in e commerce, and then you have Capturelife, which, you know, is best in class, you know, digital only delivery. So, there's three kind of distinct brands there with, you know, three very distinct use cases. So we feel strongly about the brands we one that we want run our culture as, as one entity, but we feel good about bringing those, you know, three different perspectives and really expertise to the marketplace. And yes, we'll continue to build out our integrations and our, our operations together as we move forward as as one company.

Gary Pageau  9:47  
So going forward, let's talk a little bit about the experience economy, opportunity. You know, Scott, you've brought in Rob Maulden, from Disney to kind of shepherd you into that space. Can you talk a little bit about what the real potential there is for theme parks, entertainment venues, and sources of income like that?

Scott DeFusco  10:13  
Yeah, Rob's a good, good vehicle to talk through that. So when Rob was at Disney, he was with the cruise lines first. And then he ran imaging for all Disney parks and resorts. And he was responsible for the photopass. You know, rollout. So anybody that's experienced photopass with the magic bands, and you know, all your photos streaming into that app, that was a separate app, before. And then what they did is they saw the value that that was creating. They saw the amount of views that that app was getting, and Disney strategically decided to move that photopass experience into the main Disney app, right. And within three weeks, that became the number one viewed part of the Disney app. So that's our value proposition is rich explained, we embed our whole experience into native apps for major brands, the ones we're talking to our cruise lines, resorts, we just rolled out with Club Med, for example, over the Christmas holidays, and the strategy there is they need to connect with their consumers more effectively before, during and after that experience during vacation. And so using the memories to do that is treating those memories not as souvenirs, but as strategic brand assets. And that allows us to have an ongoing connection with the consumer and sell more. So it's really a sales and brand loyalty weapon for these experience creating brands.

Gary Pageau  12:05  
And instead of selling, $25, 8 by 10, what you're selling is the entire experience, right? The entire boy had a great time at Club Med, when it comes down to booking going another destination vacation. Maybe I should look at that again.

Scott DeFusco  12:21  
Absolutely. And so it's we also are co opting they're personally captured content. So a lot of times, you know, photography, businesses will look at that and you try to avoid that, right? Well, we actually Co Op that user and professionally generated content will enhance it with things like brand overlays, and things like that to enhance that and make it more shareable. But then as people are reliving those memories, in the future, after their experience, we're able to give them a virtual tap on the shoulder on behalf of the company and say, Hey, here's a special on your next vacation, you know, as you're reliving the past one, create some new memories. So it's selling not just more photo related products, but even more importantly, more experiences for the company that's hosting.

Gary Pageau  13:14  
Now when in the in the embedded app experience, are you just how much how much custom work you have to do with a with a venue for example, in terms of offering some of those touchpoint experiences? Or is it you're just an embedded app? And you get you can select from these features and these assets and these opportunities and go to town or do or is there a lot of cross pollination with customers.

Scott DeFusco  13:42  
Now it's really it's really what you were describing the ladder. So what we do is we literally snap into the host native app we have a progressive web app allows us to snap in, it can be easily skinned to match the branding of the whole app so it feels seamless. And then we unlock all of that power. They select what products they want to offer, what overlays maybe backgrounds, video products that we offer animated GIFs that are all you know, we'll work with them to come up with the brand version of those. But the whole experience is, is offered through that product that snaps in and what's nice about it is we already have single sign on capability. So when someone's in the main app, they just tap the photo experience button in their app. And there you're in the Capturelife experience.

Gary Pageau  14:34  
And so Rich, what is the sort of the technology piece that ImageQuix brings to that because there's some e commerce potential there, correct?

Rich Scanlon  14:44  
Yes, correct. There's there's a couple things that both you know photo links and image quicks we see long term in terms of the experience economy. You know, right now, I mean, a majority of the enterprises in That space will have their own merchants and e commerce solutions. So from a merchant aspect, we can provide that as an added service. But most of the time, they're going to have their own but building out the storefront for that is something definitely image quicks can be complimentary to capsulate for, and that long term vision of ours, and then on the workflow piece, you know, that's, that's just, you know, that is kind of like, the, you know, if you look out two to three years from now, you know, photo operations, you know, in the experience, space is not that streamlined, they have not adopt, they're either a lot of them are using in house technology. So the workflow piece is actually something that's super interesting, but again, you know, more long term, I think our plan is, you know, to land digitally with a, you know, with a front end, b2c, you know, product of which Capturelife, you know, fits that bill perfectly. And then there's the underlying complimentary kind of products, as you mentioned, with our e commerce solution and image quicks and our workflow solutions through through photo links, and those are longer term opportunities we see in the experience, economy, but the land and expand would be with the capsule, like digital, you know, storefront, if you will, or delivery products, right now. But that's, that's definitely something that's, that's been a longer term plan or mind. Again, going back to this, you know, changing, you know, how we look at, you know, photography, the relationship between photographer and subject, you know, on an ongoing basis with, you know, technology.

Gary Pageau  16:36  
I think it's interesting, Scott, you mentioned sort of the reluctance of venues to intermingle consumer content, or guest content with their own professional content. But that's really what people want, what they really want is a customized experience where those things are intermingled.

Scott DeFusco  16:53  
Absolutely, and, you know, they're these, all these all these companies are, you know, challenged continuously to come up with more creative content that adds value. And, you know, embracing the user generated content is yet another dimension of that. So you have the whole memory experience, it really makes everything more sticky, because now your user generated content that you shared in your professional in the same place. They're sitting within the brand app that hosted the whole experience for you. And so it just creates, it's that Disney proposition, you know, it creates that value where you're not going to delete that app, and you're going to revisit it, and then we sell you more.

Gary Pageau  17:36  
Now, being an old school person, like I am I still like hardcopy output, and, you know, and a lot of people in a lot of consumers do, and that's still going to continue as an opportunity within these things. I mean, obviously, digital would probably be at the forefront, but if somebody wants to put, you know, their their happy snap with Mickey, they can make a mug or something with that, right?

Scott DeFusco  18:01  
Yeah, absolutely. And, you know, we've never come into the market saying that you need to replace your workflow, you need to replace the way you sell, you need to replace print with digital, our, our value proposition is that digital is an important part of the whole consumer experience. As as prints are there, they're incredibly valuable to people. So we we often are part of the, you know, go to market model for companies that include both, right? That is the predominant model. And in fact, when people leave and experience, we have a print store built in, so that they can purchase print products, we just rolled one out for Club Med, where we can now fulfill virtually anywhere in the world, because those people come from everywhere. Sure. And so that is your right, it's still very valuable.

Gary Pageau  18:56  
And I think that's one of the things that, you know, people kind of wary of which I think led to some of the reluctance of adopting some mobile and digital technologies is, you know, what happens, my printing press, what happens to my heat press, or my mug press or whatever is because if I push digital too hard, you know, this thing is going to go away. And I I just don't think that's what's going to happen. I think people are going to print different. They may print, you know, a different sort of different picture on a different medium. But there's still the second one some sort of hardcopy output to commemorate that event. So is that something that's been borne out in the data either on the school side and or the event side?

Rich Scanlon  19:37  
On the school side, definitely, I think, and it's manifested itself in the amount of increase we've seen on the novelty side of things. The the e commerce platform has allowed you to offer many, many more items for sale beyond you know, your basic eight by 10. Doing a paper form there's only so many things you can fit on. One piece of paper, and you don't want to create a booklet of 10 different, you know, ordering options, right. But using a digital storefront, it changes the game completely, because you can target market, you can move items on and off based on the school you're going after, I mean, there, it's really like the possibilities are endless when you're using a an online solution. So it's really less about you know, digital photos, and it's more about being able to reach your customer in a variety of ways and pushing a variety of of print and novelty products. So that's, that's really kind of like, the most tangible evidence of the, or the positive impact that you know, online. And technology has provided the photography industry is allowing you to get as creative as you want with, you know, the size of prints the number of packages, because one of the things that the data has borne out, and we have lots of data on the e commerce side is, you know, the more like the creative, the more creative your options are, and the packages you have, the more you're able to sell, sure, and able to kind of reach each individual buyer in an in a distinct way that seems very personal, and that it's them to spend more money should be on just like, hey, here are your standard five choices that you know, kind of historically would have been available, if you bought through the school, going online, allows you to do five choices, plus 20 permutations of that, and I'm going to add in ornaments or, you know, paper weights or whatever have you I mean, that's really what how the data has borne out the positive impact that, you know, online and technology has provided, you know, the the high volume industry.

Gary Pageau  21:45  
You know, one of the things I think you hit on there is is the the change in a relationship between the subject of a school portrait, which or the customer, which is the parent and the school versus the lab, because in the old days, the the school would be sort of the intermediary people didn't deal with record with the library much. And nowadays, the lab or the photographer is dealing directly with the consumer. So they can offer things like ornaments and mugs. And they're like, the novelty items. Whereas you know, the school it's not, it's just, you know, they want the pictures and the ID badges, they're not really interested in monetizing that they really actually not bother, they like to bother the parents as least as possible. So I think that what the type of thing you're doing is a good response to that where once you have the access to the direct access to the to the customer, you have those opportunities, and it kind of turns photographers away from being production environments, to marketing engines, right.

Rich Scanlon  22:49  
And I think the other piece is the immediacy, we've become and speed to revenue, as we call it, and we become a society of I need it. Now I want it now I need it faster. You know, and this and using, you know, automated workflows and software technology to you know, we call click the cash from when you take the picture to where you're actually able to realize revenue from it using technology has sped that up. You know, I don't even know the order of magnitude on that. But you can go from taking a photo to selling it in 24 hours, right? You know, and getting it shipped, you know, that same day? Yeah. So that that emotional attachment, you have to that experience, whether it be in taking your school photos, or, you know, your yearbook photo, or your action shots, you know, at a sporting event, or you're at a concert or something, the immediacy of being able to interact with that memory, you know, is invaluable. And we've seen it plays out in the data, the sooner you're able to reach, you know, a customer with a with a product they want, the more they're willing to pay for it, you know, the longer you wait, the less interest there is, and the more work you have to do to sell the same thing. You know, there's really sort of a

Gary Pageau  24:01  
diagram we've we've been working with sort of sort of illustrates that words. It's really a curve, in the sense that a photo is a high value nearer to the event of the capture, right. I mean, everyone's kind of excited about their, their 2020 holiday Christmas pictures, right? In June, probably not so much. But later on. Could be years could be decades, that picture is going to be more valuable again, right? Yeah. So the who knows when that time is, so it's gonna be very difficult to monetize that. But like you said, if you can monetize those pictures closer to the time of capture, you've got a better opportunity.

Rich Scanlon  24:40  
Yeah, it's an inverse you right is the way to look at it. It's like is value at the beginning and then there's a period of, you know, disinterest, or the memory is forgotten. And then it comes back at a certain point, you're right, like on the far right of that. It's very hard to to understand that. But everyone, I think there's a consensus that the beginning part super valuable, valuable, and it's a better customer experience. If I'm able to, you know, deliver on that emotional attachment sooner, it's a better experience, you know, for the subject for the purchaser. And it doesn't just have to be the parent, you know, using marketing and digital allows you to reach the grandparent more easily the friends, the aunts, the uncles, the brother, sisters, I mean, that it kind of the the web of you know, potential customers expands greatly, by using digital marketing channels and technology to do that.

Gary Pageau  25:37  
I think one of the things that is really impacting the market nowadays, is the change from a production mentality to a customer first mentality, in the sense that, you know, eight by 10s, were offered, because not because customers said, I really want an eight by 10. But because that's what the lab could produce efficiently. And they could have charged enough money and a high enough margin to offer. And, you know, nowadays, the idea is once give the customer what they want, and whether it's an eight by 10, or not, it's not as production focus. And that's something where I think the photo industry has been kind of late to the market, right? Because it's always been very production driven, we can make this size print. So therefore, we should offer this size print, not whether or not the customer really wants it or not, but that's what we're gonna give them. And if they want to have their pictures, this is the way we give them to them. And, well, that's not the way the world works these days.

Rich Scanlon  26:41  
And I think we've seen that, so the customer, it's and that's what the, that's the exciting, like, part, you know, of this time period is that our customers are now able to express more what they'd like to do. And you can use technology to try to give them that, you know, because we're all driven by, you know, what do our studios and labs want, and they are spending the time to understand what the customers want. And then we in turn develop technology do that. So that's the exciting part is that, you know, we're very early stage in this. And so I think the, the idea that, you know, this space, this this space was, I think, hampered by the, you know, singular avenue of, Okay, I can only go through the school, and I can only interact one time. And I think that has been, you know, something that we've tried to overcome for a long period of time. And I think COVID has accelerated the thinking on Hey, there's actually a much bigger universe out there. And this can be a business that grows, I can have a business that can grow, you know, with the same amount of input and inventory, if you will, objects. But if I can expand my market, I can grow my business. And I think people are starting to figure that out now. And that's getting people very excited. We've had numerous examples of customers, you know, getting excited about the space because there's, it's just like breathing new life into their ability to grow their business and make money, which is super exciting for us. Because, you know, our whole mission is, you know, to make our customers happy and to help them be successful because if they're successful, you know, we're successful.

Gary Pageau  28:27  
So, going forward. We're at the beginning of 2021. What do you see as the opportunities going forward for the year? Hopefully, the Covid 19 pandemic will be waning as the vaccinations continue and schools begin to open and people resumed more normal activities. Are you optimistic?

Scott DeFusco  28:57  
I can, I can chime in on I'm incredibly optimistic actually. Because while while things are still slowly coming back, they are coming back. So for example, one of our customers is excursion company in Jamaica believes in Turks and Caicos called Chuck Adventures. They've started coming back and started seeing orders flowing again. Now it's not the same level because they rely a lot on the cruise lines to drive guests to their business, but they're opening back up. I mentioned Club Med, they're opening back up at a lower capacity. But we're starting to see activity now. And we'll be rolling out to more resorts here over the next couple of months. And so in the cruise lines, we are we are involved with some, some major cruise lines and, you know, while they, you know, the CDC guidelines force them to ship their sailing dates to more of the march timeframe. Now they're making plans and there's more of a I think when the vaccine you know, plan came out now, there's that Like, and people see it. And so the plans are starting to accelerate, which is accelerating the discussions with us. And, you know, so I, I'm very optimistic it's going to end, you know, 2021 still better, you know, it's going to be a slower comeback. But we do see it coming back. It's already starting.

Gary Pageau  30:21  
At about what about in the school space rich?

Rich Scanlon  30:23  
Yeah. So in the school space school space, it's very, as you know, you speak to you have your finger on the pulse. Gary, it's very regionally state, local, specific to the impact of our customer base. So, you know, we've seen both sides of it. I think all in all, you look at states like California, you know, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, obviously, they've, they've taken a different approach than like a Florida or Texas or the Midwest. So it's very, it's very regionally focused, I think what we've learned is that school is a very important part of American life. And it is one of the first things that people are looking to do and get going again, once you know, the situation presents itself. So we're obviously bullish, you know, on the the school in high volume space, it's just a question of timing for these regions, and localities, so because because we've seen the gamut, right, we've seen people have, you know, very, very strong years, because they were able to shoot, but they had to go 100% online. So all of the things we just talked about, were very, very relevant for them. And then we've had customers who, who've had a very challenging just because, you know, the local government approach has made it hard for them to do it. So. So we will the gamut of, you know, of that experience. And we're here for all of our customers. But all in all, I think the consensus is that school is a very, art, school pictures are very, very important part of the experience, and it creates a memory that people want to commemorate. And that is not going to change going forward. It's just a question of, you know, when do we get, you know, everyone back to full strength, and that's, that's harder to tell. If I could sit here and predict, you know, the turn and COVID, I could probably enter the stock market, myself. But that's, that's really what we've seen. It's a local approach on the one end, but on the other end, I think across the board, it's recognized that school on the school experience is very, very important.

Gary Pageau  32:36  
So how do people going forward reach out to you guys and contact you? I mean, there's not industry events, unfortunately, in the near term to interact with I mean, no physical ones, I should say there are some online events coming up. So how can people learn more about the ImageQuix, PhotoLynx, Capturelife monolith?

Rich Scanlon  33:01  
So, so probably a couple of different ways on our end, and then Scott, I'll let you take that as well. So so we're going to be at SPAC, the high-volume trade show annually, that happens virtually, you know, photo links and image quicks will have a big presence there, as they always do. And then at the end of June, we actually host our own trade show every year. It's MVP, mastering volume photography that was started by Tim and PhotoLynx. Last year was supposed to be our 10 year anniversary, it got bumped this year. So that's gonna be the end of June. And whatever

Gary Pageau  33:33  
Will it be a physical event, you think?

Rich Scanlon  33:35  
Yeah, it will be a physical event. That's what we're planning on right now. It's going to be in Las Vegas. There's, you know, we'll be marketing it and we have a website, if you go to the PhotoLynx website, you can find a link to that. But yeah, we're planning it to be live. And actually, the industry is, you know, hoping that that's the first in person event. Fingers crossed that you know, by the end of June, we're able to gather in groups again, but that that's really kind of like the two kind of widespread  events where we'll be heavily present obviously, you can go to our websites and, com, go to our social sites, we monitor them as well. And then on the Capturelife side, you know, Scott and his team has built a wonderful website and Scott I don't know if you want to talk about a little bit the rest way to reach you know, the Capturelife folks.

Scott DeFusco  34:25  
We'll be at some of those same events but more part of the ImageQuix/PhotoLynx teams, you know what those events and there's some other industry events that we're looking at in the experience economy space, but they're typically back ended like IAPA. And but as Rich said, Capturelife website we really try to keep content relevant industry best practices, and also news and product news. on a regular basis. So subscribe is a great way to stay connected but also if anybody has any wants more background on this or wants any more background on Capturelife feel free to contact me at that email address.

Rich Scanlon  35:16  
We have our info at If you want to reach out to any of our team, my team is way smarter than me. So based on the question, I will direct it to the appropriate party. Scott's a founder. So he's already proved that he's smarter than me. I don't invent anything or make anything up.

Gary Pageau  35:37  
You provide leadership. It's intangible

Rich Scanlon  35:45  
I hope I do. You'd have to ask Tim, Alex, and Scott about that. But don't believe anything they say. But, ya know, we're super excited about the opportunity, I think, you know, we have Scott put out a blog post if you want to learn more about kind of our, you know, kind of our excitement about about the about the deal, Scott's got a blog post out on his on the website, we're sharing the press release via email, and, and through our website. So if you want to learn a little bit more about it, please feel free to go to our sites and check out the various content we've created around the deal. But Gary, thanks so much for the opportunity to come on today. And to talk about this, like I said, we're super excited and bullish on the future. And, you know, we're very optimistic, you know, about, you know, the health and the state of, you know, photo technology, you know, both in high volume and enterprise and, you know, we're we're excited about the potential, you know, for our customers to be successful.

Gary Pageau  36:45  
Great. Well, listen, Thank you, gentlemen, for your time, and we'll hopefully see you again in 2021 sometime soon.

Rich Scanlon  36:54  
Thanks, Gary.

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