Planet Pulse Pacific

Robyn Chuter - Empower Total Health

Ben and Emma Season 1 Episode 10

This episode is all about gut health for Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, with the brilliant Robyn Chuter. Robyn is a certified Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner who specialises in helping people reverse serious and chronic illnesses using a plant-based diet and emotional healing through her practice Empower Total Health. Robyn’s original training was in naturopathy and nutrition, and she has since gained qualifications in counselling, EFT therapy, Matrix Re-imprinting and Lifestyle Medicine. Robyn has also completed her Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) and is basically a walking encyclopaedia when it comes to gut health.

Robyn is a phenomenal wealth of knowledge when it comes to the topic of optimal gut health and she touches on a number of important principles for fostering a healthy microbiome, not only for reducing bowel cancer risk but minimising the risk of certain autoimmune conditions and mood disorders. This one is jam-packed with information so you may want a notepad and pen at the ready!

In this conversation we discuss:
• Key principles for maintaining a healthy microbiome
• The importance of variety for yielding optimal gut diversity
• The role of probiotics and prebiotics
• Elimination diets such as FODMAP and candida regimens
• Meat and cancer risk
• The link between gut health and Autoimmune conditions
• Food and mood

Download the Gut Challenge resource here.

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