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Marcus Strategy Podcast - Friday 9th April

April 08, 2021 Marcus Today

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A slight pullback today after a solid 5 days of gains and a very good week. Vaccine news has sapped some enthusiasm with CSL modestly lower, and travels stocks off around 2.5% in the morning. Volumes remain light with the banking sector giving up recent gains, CBA down around 0.5%. COL has fired the first salvo in a price war with another Down Down campaign to change the status quo. WOW off around 1.2% on the news. 

In our Strategy piece today, Henry finishes off the week with a Fairy Tale (maybe from New York) on the new Pipers and the retail investor. And in Henry's Take, gold is stirring and a look at some ways to play the leveraged small cap resource space. Plus is Hamilton worth the hype.