Gwen Gets To Work

The Architect

Gwen Rose Season 1 Episode 39

Who knew, being an Architect could be like going on a treasure hunt?! What an amazing job to hear about in this chat between Gwen and Simon. It sounds like there is a lot of fun to be had at work all day, if you like making things, exploring things, drawing and doing maths.

Have a look at some of the buildings Simon has designed on his website:

Don't forget that Gwen is fundraising for some better equipment so that she can get out and about and interview adults like Simon at their places of work, hard hat and all, once it is safe to do so. Here is her Go Fund Me link - all donations most gratefully received.

Every week in the Gwen Gets To Work podcast, Gwen finds out about what a different adults does all day at work. Visit our website for past episodes and videos:

An Enigma Records Production:

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