Gwen Gets To Work

The Theatre Company Director

Gwen / Gail Season 1 Episode 48

Gwen is back with a super fun episode and some great life lessons from Gail, the Artistic Director of Acorn, a performing theatre company. She says Acorn is a family, a tribe, a team of all ages who work together to produce creative, original performances using live music and dynamic physical theatre. Gwen finds out how Gail came to bring her vision to life and what running it day to day is really like.

Every week in the Gwen Gets To Work podcast, Gwen finds out about what a different adults does all day at work. Visit our website for past episodes and videos:

Help us out! Gwen is fundraising for some better equipment so that she can get out and about and interview adults in their places of work. Here is her Go Fund Me link.

An Enigma Media Production:

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