Gwen Gets To Work

The Lego Man

Gwen / Rob Lowe Season 1 Episode 26

Who loves LEGO?

Silly question - we all love LEGO! But some love it more than others and Gwen is one of those children that fell for it the moment they clicked their first two DUPLO bricks together. 

Another life-long fan is this week's guest, Rob. Not only does he still love playing with these magical little building bricks but he actually works with them AND he has his very own minifigure!

You can imagine how excited Gwen was to ask him all her questions about what he gets up to all day long and to play a game of 'guess the LEGO collection'. Join in to see if you can beat him.

Don't forget that Gwen is fundraising for some better equipment so that she can get out  and about and interview people at their places of work, once it is safe to do so. Here is her Go Fund Me link - all donations most gratefully received.

Every week in the Gwen Gets To Work podcast, Gwen finds out about what a different adults does all day at work. Visit our website for past episodes and to find out what's coming soon:

An Enigma Records Production:

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