047 | Reaching Non-Believers in Your Neighborhood (Jeff Hubrich)

Season 1 Episode 47

Jeff Hubrich has a pretty powerful testimony that you probably don't have. After leaving the LDS church, Jeff gradually learned about Jesus through a caring Christian friend who invested in his friendship for years. Jeff is now a pastor who strategically plans his church services specifically for the Mormons in his community--and it's working.

Even if you have a completely different testimony, we can all learn from Jeff's story and spend some time thinking about how and why we do things in our churches. Can you describe the culture of your neighborhood 10 blocks in every direction? What spiritual needs does your city have that you're able to meet? How can you invest in non-believers over the long haul, even if you don't get to see any fruit?

Jeff asks challenging questions and shares encouraging stories that we can all learn from. Enjoy hearing from Jeff in this episode, and then sign up to join us for the USMB convention coming to Kansas City this summer to hear more from Jeff!