048 | Soul Care & Spiritual Direction (Janine Westlund)

USMB Season 1 Episode 48

"Soul care" and "spiritual direction" are good-sounding terms you would probably affirm, but what do they actually mean? And are you (as a pastor or church leader) actually taking care of your soul? What even IS your "soul"?

Self-care and self-examination can be critical tools to ensure our own spiritual health, especially the longer we find ourselves in church work. The daily grind of ministry and life in general is real, and it's important we take time to discover what our soul craves and find ways to feed and nurture our true selves.

Above all else, spiritual director and soul care specialist Janine Westlund wants you to remember the words of Jesus from Matthew 11: You are beloved.

If you want to dive deeper into these topics after hearing from Janine, here are some resources you may find helpful:

GPS for the Soul: https://storage.snappages.site/4Z86ZC/assets/files/GPS-for-the-Soul.pdf
Daily Examen: https://storage.snappages.site/4Z86ZC/assets/files/Daily-Examen.pdf
Soul Custody by Stephen W Smith: https://www.amazon.com/Soul-Custody-Choosing-Care-Only/dp/1434764729/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2PTJ4EVVDRXP&keywords=soul+custody+by+stephen+smith&qid=1644938184&sprefix=soul+custod%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-1