045 | Deep Dive into Healthy, God-Honoring Finances (Nate Yoder)

Season 1 Episode 45

Like it or not, money is a part of our daily lives. Some people seem to naturally have a great handle on how to budget, save, and invest, while others struggle to make ends meet and come up with a long-term plan for healthy financial living. The Bible has a lot to say about money and how we use it, but it doesn't necessarily line out details about credit cards, ROTHs, or investment strategies. 

Luckily we have experts like our friends at MB Foundation to help us work out those details. Nate Yoder returns to the show this week to do a deep dive on all kinds of areas related to finance--budgeting, mortgages, investments, retirement, will planning, and much more. Nate does a great job taking complex ideas and condensing them down to actionable steps we can all take to get on track, set realistic goals, and prepare now for longterm financial health.

Thanks to MB Foundation for sponsoring this episode, and thanks to YOU listeners for a great season of episodes this year on LEAD Pods! Merry Christmas and we'll see you in 2022!