077 | The Hand of God on an Immigrant Pastor (Alex Mutabazi & Terry Hunt)

USMB Season 1 Episode 77

In recent years we've shared several stories of how immigrant pastors from around the world are getting established in the U.S. and joining our USMB church family. In today's episode, we hear the encouraging story of how Pastor Alex Mutabazi left a difficult life in the Congo to become an MB pastor in Nashville. In his words, the "hand of God" has been upon him and his church with miracle after miracle leading to where he is today. 

Pastor Terry Hunt has been an influential leader in Alex's life, as well as several other immigrant pastors who are doing amazing and important work of helping immigrants get established with new lives in the U.S. There is so much hope and potential for these new MB church plants, so be encouraged and inspired as you hear from Pastors Terry & Alex!