The Family Disciple Me Podcast // Discipleship Starts With a Conversation

"WORTH THE WAIT" Advent Series // Convo #2: God's Processes // A Continuing Conversation with Pastor Richie Fike

Tosha Williams for FDM Season 3 Episode 9

Most of us don't like to wait. We like things to be done our way in our timing, right? This is true of the little things in life, but it's even more true for the really important things in life. We want God to move mightily, and we want Him to do it NOW!

Thing is, He does everything perfectly - - - but it's always His way in His timing. And that's what this next podcast episode in our Advent series is about. This week, we're talking about "WORTH THE WAIT:  God's Process." I get the privilege of continuing the conversation with Pastor Richie Fike, of Vanguard Church Tri-Lakes, who is the original creator of this "WORTH THE WAIT" series. His perspective about the unfolding of God's process in the Christmas story - - - then applying those truths to waiting on God's process in our lives - - - is so helpful and encouraging. 

You can find the accompanying devotion and discipleship  guide for this second Advent conversation HERE.

Thing is, as Christ-followers, we don't just have to "trust the process." We have the amazing privilege to learn to trust and hope in the God who is in charge of the process. Let's be reminded of and encouraged by this truth! When God is at work in our lives, we can be sure that what He is doing in us is oh-so “Worth the Wait!” 

Be encouraged! Tosha ❤️


The Family Disciple Me ministry exists to catalyze devotion driven discipleship in our homes and around the world. We believe that discipleship starts with a conversation, and FDM provides free, easily-accessible, biblical resources to encourage these meaningful conversations along life's way. Sign up through our website to be "the first to know" about upcoming releases and resources (including the FDM App - coming soon!!!) You can also follow Family Disciple Me on social media.

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