The Family Disciple Me Podcast // Discipleship Starts With a Conversation

"May You Pray - for People Each Day!" A Month of Prayer!!! // Conversation One

Tosha Williams, the Family Disciple Me Team and Special Guests Season 1 Episode 61

It's our annual "May You Pray!!!" campaign. We start this month by praying for the people we love and care about, with the verse "I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers" (Ephesians 1:16). Spend some extra time focusing on prayer this month - in your own life and with those entrusted to you!  

This podcast episode starts with a brief history of National Day of Prayer and goes along with the discipleship conversation, "May You Pray - for People Each Day!" which you can use to disciple your kids about prayer! 


The Family Disciple Me ministry exists to catalyze devotion driven discipleship in our homes and around the world. We believe that discipleship starts with a conversation, and FDM provides free, easily-accessible, biblical resources to encourage these meaningful conversations along life's way. Sign up through our website to be "the first to know" about upcoming releases and resources (including the FDM App - coming soon!!!) You can also follow Family Disciple Me on social media.

Family Disciple Me is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit ministry, and all donations are tax deductible. More information, blogs, statement of faith and contact info can be found at