The Family Disciple Me Podcast // Discipleship Starts With a Conversation

Destination Decisions: Scars or Purity? // A Conversation about Sexuality with our Kids

October 10, 2021 Tosha Williams and guests Season 2 Episode 16

What are you saying to your kids about sexuality? Whether or not you're talking to them, culture sure is! Through social media, television or peers at school, they are being influenced one way or another! So engaging this conversation along life's way from a biblical perspective is super important! You can begin this conversation through talking about the destinations of "scars or purity?"

This discipleship conversation "DESTINATION DECISIONS:  Scars or Purity" springboards from the verse: “Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.” 1 Corinthians 6:18 ESV

Talking to your kids about sexuality can be hard, uncomfortable or overwhelming, but don’t avoid this conversation! Figure out ways to engage the next generation in your life about this vital topic. Have courage! Seek Him Speak Him!


The Family Disciple Me ministry exists to catalyze devotion driven discipleship in our homes and around the world. We believe that discipleship starts with a conversation, and FDM provides free, easily-accessible, biblical resources to encourage these meaningful conversations along life's way. Sign up through our website to be "the first to know" about upcoming releases and resources (including the FDM App - coming soon!!!) You can also follow Family Disciple Me on social media.

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