Elevating Funeral Service

Episode #16: Why Funeral Homes and Cemeteries Should Be Surveying their Families

July 09, 2020 Ellery Bowker & Welton Hong
Elevating Funeral Service
Episode #16: Why Funeral Homes and Cemeteries Should Be Surveying their Families
Show Notes

If you are not surveying families after the service is over, you are missing a HUGE opportunity.  Surveys aren't just about rating how pleasant your staff was, or how smoothly everything went, you probably already know that.  Surveys provide hidden gems like unique insights, patterns, and data that provide you with a literal checklist of what is needed to continually improve your service levels.

On this episode, Ellery and Welton discuss family follow-up surveys in detail, including:

1. Why surveying families is necessary
2. What questions you should ask
3. How to get a high response rate
