Teachers Supporting Teachers

Teachers Supporting Teachers Series 4 Episode 2: Connection and support during challenging times

Narelle Lemon Season 4 Episode 2

Michelle and Narelle talk about staying connected and supporting our students through challenging times and the pandemic. We explore what it means to be holding space for yourself and others.  

Michelle shares her experience of having covid-19 while managing the beginning of teaching and the “crashing in” or what is a vulnerability to be open with each other. 

Narelle talks about the place of honesty  in supporting each other as educators, future educators and also students. We walk through the place of “back to basics” in caring for self and others: Acknowledge that we are doing our best; Hydration; Sleep/ Rest; Move (stretch to fitness and “the cat”; Being grounded; Developing a language to talk about what is happening and inquiry into what each other mean; and trust.   

We talk through the place of wellbeing and self-care and what this means for us personally and professionally. Michelle unpacks for us how to be an educator who can deeply listen and be supportive but also knowing the boundaries of when  to call in professional support. 

We end with a conversation about our latest self-care explorations and investigations. Michelle shares her focus on playing with ideas, movement and others, while Narelle shares the beginning inquiries into deep focused time inspired from the reading of “A World Without Email” by Cal Newport.

For more episodes and resources connect at www.exploreandcreateco.com or on social media at @rellypops