The Family Pupz Podcast
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The Family Pupz Podcast
Sep 13, 2022 Season 1 Episode 28
Tanya & Charles Lim

Today's Topic: Do you have a dog that just LIVES to hunt?  And do those hunting behaviors, whether it's orienting, stalking, chasing, and even killing and eating, get in the way of how you would like to live your day-to-day life with your dog?  That's why we've invited certified dog trainer, dog behavior consultant, and the author of two books on force-free anti-predation training,  “Hunting Together” and “Rocket Recall”, Simone Mueller, to the pod, to discuss why it's so hard to get our dog's attention when they're in hunting mode, why striving to get rid of the predatory instinct can cause more harm than good, how to work with your dog's predatory instincts instead of against it, why showing interest in your dog's hunting behaviors can build your bond, and so much more!

Guest Bio: Simone Mueller, MA is a certified dog trainer and dog behavior consultant (ATN) from Germany.  She specializes in force-free anti-predation training and is the author of the two books of the Predation Substitute Training series “Hunting Together” and “Rocket Recall”. Simone is proud to be an Associate Trainer at the Scotland-based Lothlorien Dog Training Club (AT-LDTC) and a member of The Initiative of Force-Free Dog Training, the Pet Professional Guild (PPG) and the Pet Dog Trainers of Europe (PDTE).

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