The Holidays & Your Dog
The Family Pupz Podcast
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The Family Pupz Podcast
The Holidays & Your Dog
Nov 09, 2021 Season 1 Episode 21
Tanya & Charles Lim

Today's Topic: The holidays are coming! And with that, there is a tremendous amount of preparation that families across the globe are making, whether it's the food, the drinks, the travel, or the decorations, to ensure that the time we get to spend with our loved ones, especially after everything we've all collectively gone through in the past two years, is absolutely memorable.  With that said, have you thought about your dog, or the youngest and most vulnerable members of the family (babies and toddlers), and what you'll do to ensure that their time is as special, safe, and merry as it will be for everyone else?  That’s why we invited the leading expert on dog and baby/toddler dynamics, and the founder of, Jennifer Shryock, to the pod, to discuss the importance of communication, dog body language, games that children and dogs can play together, and why management in the home plays such a huge role to ensure safety and harmony in the home for ALL family members.  

Guest Bio: Jennifer Shryock is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC) and the proud owner of Family Paws™ LLC in Cary, North Carolina. In 2000, her family adopted their first German shepherd rescue dog. That inspired her work with the rescue organization as a counselor and trainer for families with babies or young children that found their situation overwhelming and were often on the verge of surrendering their cherished dog.  Once she recognized that new and expecting families needed support and education, she began developing resources for the Family Paws Parent Education, which resulted in the development of two highly-endorsed international programs:

Through these programs, she’s mentored and supported hundreds of dog trainers worldwide, and she continues to support local and distant families.  She’s written and spoken extensively about these topics in national media, such as The Wall Street Journal and Martha Stewart Living, as well as on appearances on television and radio shows.  Her mission is to help create a world in which families with children and dogs can live safely and harmoniously as a family unit.  She’s served as a board member of the International Childbirth Education Association and is a mother and former special education teacher.

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