Big Shiny Takes

BONUS MINI EP - Podfather Andre Goulet - Executive Director of Harbinger Media

Big Shiny Takes

Big things are happening down at the old podcast factory. 

Executive Director of the Harbinger Media Network and longtime friend of the show Andre Goulet came by to talk about Harbinger and its goals for a new, independent, left podcasting space in Canada. 

Yes, Big Shiny Takes is on the network as well. We're joining the ranks of some of the best podcasts in Canada, including Alberta Advantage, 49th Parahell, Kino Lefter and more. 

Harbinger has some ambitious and worthy goals. These goals are only made possible through listener support, so check Harbinger, become a patron and support new media in Canada!

Also, this episode was meant for broadcast late last month but due to the world going absolutely insane for a little while, all editing was set aside for a moment. (sorry for the wait Andre)

If you enjoyed this episode make sure to leave us a five star review on Apple Podcasts, and give us a follow on Twitter and Instagram.

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