Big Shiny Takes

Elon Musk: A Hero's Journey, by Douglas Cope-land (ft. Paris Marx)

Big Shiny Takes

It's our opinion at the Big Shiny Takes Institute that billionaires have it too hard. Yeah sure they have unlimited access to resources, are able to shape policy to benefit themselves and have the power of small nation-states – but have you considered how difficult it must be to have someone be mean to you on the internet?

Paris Marx (@parismarx), host of Tech Won't Save Us (@techwontsaveus) explains why there should be room for criticism of all billionaires while we read through one of the most tedious pieces of unfettered PR for Elon Musk that has ever been written. It's a piece in the Guardian by Canadian Gen X icon (lol) Douglas Coupland, so we're allowed to make fun of it. 

Plugs and Recs

Tech Won't Save Us

The Appel Orchard (Jeremy's Substack, everyone subscribe!)

Worst Columnist in Canada Contest (Final begins Monday!)

Rawan Abdelbaki: Erin O'Toole is no ally of labour - he's a con-man

Robert Hiltz - The Communist Party Benefits Us All

and of course, Spiderman 2

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