Big Shiny Takes

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April 15, 2020 Big Shiny Takes Episode 3

These are complicated and troubling times. So why not laugh at what passes for a column in a Canadian newspaper with us? This episode we pull apart a column from an old favourite - Jonathan Kay.

Jon seems to think that Theresa Tam has really dropped the ball in the ongoing fight to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Canada. He also (bravely) takes a wild swing at blaming PC culture for Canada's unwillingness to impose stricter measures earlier on in this crisis.

These times truly are bringing the best out of our country's columnists. We'll be here to laugh at all the stupid things that are said by people paid to write down their opinions. 

For your listening pleasure please listen to an episode of (the on hiatus) Wrongspeak Podcast where Jon interviews his mom and they talk about how cool they are:

Jon Kay resigns from the Walrus (2017)

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