"David Essel ALIVE! Helping Americans Heal" David Essel, M. S. , O. M.

Melissa Carroll author of Going Om: Real-Life Stories On and Off the Yoga Mat_111514

David Essel
Melissa Carroll author of Going Om: Real-Life Stories On and Off the Yoga Mat.......WOW!...... “Nearly all the writers talked about the self-doubt they felt, the sense of struggle and unworthiness, not just on their yoga mats but throughout every facet of their lives. So you have to wonder, if everyone is coming to these classes and they’re not feeling good enough, and they’re fighting with the crazy inner monologue of their own mind, then the gorgeous thing is that we’re not alone in this. That’s why I think it’s so powerful for people to come together in these yoga classes, not trying to be better necessarily, but just trying to be with their own bodies in the present moment, as they are.”Email: melissacarrollyoga@gmail.comWebsite: melissacarrollyoga.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/santosha101

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